วันเสาร์ที่ 18 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2556

Yoga exercise for weight loss

Yoga exercise for weight loss

yoga exercise for weight loss

Yoga can be used as an effective tool for weight loss. This article discusses the basic medical weight loss through yoga, specific kinds of yoga that employment best for Existing  weight reduction, strategies for the practice of yoga and dietary considerations that should be included in a weight loss routine

You will need:

Cloth measuring tape.
Knee circumference measurements.

Can yoga help you lose weight?

Most people do not consider yoga as a form of vigorous exercise and doubt its effectiveness in facilitating weight loss. Yoga usually burns up to 150 calories per hour for the average person, considering that even the less rigorous forms of exercise, such as walking, can  burn more 'than 300 calories at a moderate pace.

Yoga builds lean muscle, increases flexibility  and reduces stress levels in the body. Reducing the levels of stress, the body is able to release is its natural hormones and insulin efficiently. Stress ¨ ¨ long been recognized as an impediment to weight loss, so reducing levels of stress, and to create more muscular and cardiovascular ¨ ¤ will help in shedding weight.

Which form of Yoga Works Best?

Although its efficacy is still a matter of debate, yoga practitioners in general, made ​​more stringent forms, such as "power yoga" (Ashtanga yoga) an Americanized version of the traditional techniques of Kundalini. Power Yoga is a fast, vigorous routine that focuses on the oxygenation of the body, creating the desired effect cardiovascular system.

How to Practice Power Yoga

To get the maximum benefit from the power yoga, enroll in a class led by a professional yoga instructor. This will ensure the use of proper technique and help the practitioner as to avoid unnecessary damage because of poor technique. If classes are not available or are simply not affordable, buying a quality workout yoga DVD. Be sure to read the descriptions to make sure that it is a workout power yoga focuses on techniques and principles. If possible, buy more than one DVD in order to offer variety and keep you motivated. Another alternative for a class is the purchase of a game like The Biggest Loser for Nintendo Wii Fit, which is constantly changing workouts for the sake of variety, and also has a recipe against the loss of weight and built-in specific calories.

Proper diet for weight loss

In order to reduce the body weight, the calorie intake must be considered as a key component of the program. One way to determine the correct calorie intake is a BMR (basal metabolic rate) calculator. Many are available online. BMR is the number of calories your body to burn if you stayed in bed all day. Once you have determined your BMR, you simply reduce the number of 300-500 calories per day. It takes 3. 500 calories of energy to burn one pound of body fat. By reducing your diet by 500 calories per day, you are sure that you burn an extra 3. 500 calories per week and, then, a pound of body weight of fat.

With the addition of a yoga routine for a diet plan and performing routine 3-5 days per week for a minimum of one hour a day, you can increase your weight loss at 1 1/2-2 pounds per week. Also drink plenty of water to facilitate the metabolism and keep your body properly hydrated. Follow these simple tips and techniques, and you should see positive results in as little as two or three weeks.

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