วันศุกร์ที่ 30 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2556

How to Lose Weight Fast

How to Lose Weight Quickly

Lose weight without dieting? How to make 10 moves

Most of us have had to face at least once with the issue of losing weight. Of course, we wanted to do it using the most simple and fast. They sound so fabulous, and why we want it so bad, he comes to believe in miracle pills and diets in the short term, that promise to help you lose weight fast and have the appearance of our dreams in record time. These methods of weight loss could provide quick satisfaction, but it will only be for a short period of time, because of some long-term side effects that do nothing but slow down our metabolism and make you feel faint.

What I'm trying to say is that you can lose weight fast, but it is very important to the way you choose to do this, and how you start it. First you have to accept the situation you're in and how you gained your weight, without judging yourself too! And 'what it is, we are human beings, after all, you can not go back in time, so from now on we will take the most effective measures that will change our way of life in the long term or even forever - if we really want this.

Once you've managed to do that, the rest becomes easier and easier! There are only a few basic rules that must be respected and that will help you lose weight fast from the early days. Here are listed the most important ones that should become a routine in your life:

How to lose weight fast

1) Drink plenty of water

This is not a secret, you hear this everywhere, you should drink at least 2 liters of water a day! Well, there's a reason why I put this principle in the first place! Water is vital, detoxifies the body and contributes to the metabolism of the fires. My advice is to drink plenty of water, if possible, even three or four liters per day (you can also drink tea or lemonade sweetened with honey). They always have a bottle of water next to you, it will be much easier. Do not wait until you are thirsty to drink water because then the body is already dehydrated and it is too late. The water often help you realize that you were actually thirsty, not hungry!

2) Breakfast

It 'very important what kind of food your giving your body for the first time that day! It 's true that breakfast should be rich, but do not overdo it, because if you eat a lot in the morning, eat a lot all day long! It is recommended that the first morning snack should consist of fruits like apples, grapes, oranges, kiwi, mango, pineapple, nectarines - avoid bananas. Fruits not only great for detoxification, but also offer essential vitamins for the body and helps you lose weight faster. So, try to eat a little 'fruit during the morning, about 1-2 hours before breakfast.

3) Eat moderate!

At the beginning, it will be rather difficult to give away all of your old diet that you have been accustomed to, so will not even ask you to do so. Do not limit yourself to anything, except for the amount of food you eat. First you have to get used to eating less and more moderate. Be honest with yourself and listen to your stomach! Eat slowly and enjoy your food, you will know when to stop, even if you have not emptied the pot! Do not be driven by appetite, appetite is only in our brain and is the biggest enemy against weight loss. Conclusion: Satisfy your appetite, but be moderate! If you listen to your body, you will eventually feel that the amount of food you've eaten (smaller than you were used to) will be more than enough! Give your body what it needs, not what your appetite tells you!

4) Be more active!

To lose weight fast, the change in your lifestyle diet should be combined with an active lifestyle, with practice! It 's very important to not only lose weight but also to increase the strength of the body, become more healthy, and help increase the immune system. What is the golden rule to help you be able to do regular exercise, without giving up after a couple of weeks only? Well, do sports in a moderate pace, enough to feel that you've worked your body and just a little 'more! So you could always do without thinking with horror of gym class you need to attend today, or fitness, aerobics, etc. Do not push yourself too much, because you will not be able to keep up with it for a long time and soon 'll stop! Start moderate and if you're honest with yourself you will feel when your body is able to handle a greater effort and then you know that it's time to increase the difficulty of the exercise. The activity more efficient that will help you lose weight fast is running! It uses many muscles in the body and helps to increase endurance. There is no problem if you can not run and you get tired too easily! Just run as much as possible, then take a break while you are still walking up the return to normal breathing, then start running again and so on!

5) Find your hobby

Most of us gain weight because we find great pleasure in eating! Well, here is the moment when a hobby should interfere! Whether it's art or just walking your dog, think about what you enjoy doing and devote your time to do this! Therefore you will spend your time in a pleasant way, and think less ... food! Sometimes you eat because you're bored and have nothing else to do, or we are stressed, anxious, etc. Do not hurt yourself like that! Insulate yourself from these thoughts of retiring in your hobby!

Once you make these small changes you can enjoy the feeling of not only have a lower weight, but also a healthy body and mind! You will not regret it, just be honest with yourself and have confidence! Anything is possible if you really want! It 's all a matter of willpower!

Juicing for weight loss

JuicingLa diet plays a very important role when it comes to the question to maintain proper weight. Often, being overweight or obese is a consequence of bad eating and other lifestyle habits. Of course, you can expect that any program of weight loss must be as a necessity, placed the emphasis on incorporating the right diet. Such is the case of juicing for weight loss.

For those who are wondering, juicing for weight loss simply means using the juices of fruits and vegetables to bring those who are overweight or obese to a desirable size. Continue reading →

All of tea weight loss

decree you knew that weight loss tea helps detoxify the body, facilitating the elimination of toxins accumulated over time. If you decide to start a diet, you should know that you should consume at least one cup of tea cleansing, can be consumed before or after meals to aid digestion.

The diuretic tea is one of the most recommended by nutritionists also be known in a small measure to its laxative properties. The advantage is that it has a pleasant flavor, even if it is not sweetened. You can prepare a liter of tea like this: 6 tablespoons dried elderberry flowers to the boiling water, leaving everything to be covered for 15 minutes.

Mint tea is known for its ability to reduce appetite. For an infusion only use two teaspoons of dried herb or green. It also helps in digestion. On the other hand, drink peppermint tea too often leads to constipation.

Black tea has similar benefits of green tea and Chinese.
It sets in motion the metabolism and promotes the burning of fat. At the same time, it controls the level of blood sugar in the body. Can be used in place of coffee, the effects are similar.

Simple Tricks to Lose Weight

go on lose these five simple tips and you will lose weight in no time.


Nutritionists, says that the little details, the ones that you hardly notice it, are the ones that cause a radical change in body weight. The latest research shows that people usually do not take into account the calories that the liquid contains, then eat more than you should. Avoid the trap of calories contained in drinks, drinking tea, regular coffee, water, and occasionally skim milk, diet soft drinks.

Use smaller plates, because in this way you will automatically serve small portions of food without even realizing it. A spoonful of pasta or a potato less will save you 31 calories. Continue reading →

Losing fat eating ice cream

gelatoRecenti research shows that ice cream can help you lose fat if it is rich in calcium, but only if it is consumed by the number of calories in the program for a day.

The daily consumption of calcium helps you lose weight more than 26% and 38% more fat than usual.

Other studies have found that ice cream burn fat, helps you lose a few pounds more quickly than if they abstain. Of course, you are allowed to eat ice cream, but with moderation!

Nutrition specialists recommend that before starting any diet consult your doctor, do not skip meals, drink more than two liters of water a day and avoid fats.

Cycling - calories burned on a motorcycle

cycling bicycle is the best way to burn calories, if you are not going to get a bike in the near future, to discover that the solution to your problems may lie in it.

In half an hour you will burn 235 calories on average, but of course depends on the shape of your body. Experts indicate that the ideal duration of cycling is one hour.

You can also use the opportunity and take your bike to school, to work, to the market and also in the park with friends.

All these activities mixed with an appropriate diet can produce wonders for your silhouette.

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 29 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2556

Lose weight now! How to lose 6 kg in 15 days

Lose weight now! How to lose 6 kg in 15 days

Lose weight now! How to lose 6 kg in 15 days

With the advice of Professor. Pietro Antonio Migliaccio (www.migliaccionutrizione.it), President of the Italian Society of Food Science (SISA) and in collaboration with Dr. Silvia Mozzetta in dietetics.
Like every year, when summer comes, it is time for "x": change the wardrobe and you realize that the clothes are a po'stretti. So the question arises: are really ready to test costume? That's why we asked the little rof. PIETRANTONIO Migliaccio, president of the Italian Society of Food Science (SISA), a kind of diet "last minute", fast and simple to follow, and which does not require too many sacrifices. With a major advantage for all those women (and men) who spend their lunch break outside the home. Why have you been so many
to write: when you work all day is difficult to follow a diet that includes more dishes at lunch.

Very often the break is consumed in a hurry and do not always have the opportunity to eat a hot meal. This is the real problem for those who want to not only lose weight, but at least not gain weight and maintain a physical form acceptable. The diet that prof. Peter A. Migliaccio has developed exclusively for more Sani Most Beautiful, provides food choices that not only can be worn with ease even at the bar, but in a context varied food, view and also satisfy the palate. Thus, among the alternatives, were covered rolls, sandwiches, toast, pizza and ice cream. Your choice of toppings: the only care is to respect the grammage of food, when specified. So even when you have no way to have lunch at home you can safely follow a proper diet. The dinner, but today is the main meal of the day for many of us, is structured as a main dish, hot or cold, with a side dish of vegetables. Take advantage of this important time to relax, eat slowly and enjoy the conviviality with family or friends

วันพุธที่ 28 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2556

Muscle toning and slimming: everything you need to know

Muscle toning and slimming: everything you need to know

Muscle toning and slimming: everything you need to know

The muscle toning and weight loss are two factors related to training that can not be considered separately.
The coupling is necessary because, unfortunately, still it is believed that it means to lose weight and slim down enough. A weight loss is not necessarily synonymous with the decrease of fat, especially when it occurs in a short time, such as following an uncontrolled diet. In this case, first, vary the water body and the protein mass, ie, the cell mass, and not fat mass.

Lose weight in a correct way is to diminish body fat while maintaining or increasing lean mass. Conversely, an increase of weight following a period of training in the gym is not always correlated to an increase in muscle mass.

Unlike what you may think, the element to which reference is always lean mass not that fat, because your metabolism is essentially linked to it. And 'lean mass that produces metabolism and therefore should be controlled, well-fed and stimulated in order to avoid cases of malnutrition. And 'through increased activity of metabolism that are unable to obtain the reduction of excess body fat, preventing them from degenerating into an overweight obesity. Often, however, the focus falls erroneously and in an obsessive on fat mass.
It must be said also that adopt the classical model "bi-compartmental" Lean mass / fat mass does not give any indication of the state of nutrition and hydration of the subject: it is possible to find healthy obese 

individuals, patients, heart failure, malnourished, well fed, dehydrated or edematous and the estimated masses lean and fat is absolutely not possible to trace or monitor any of these states.
Wishing precision in the estimation, we need a model of body composition more appropriate to divide the body into several compartments, sensitive to hydration and nutrition, with which to explain all the variations of weight, regardless of which occur in the fat mass, the mass muscle or body fluids.
For this purpose, the model "tri-compartmental" which refers to one of the most sophisticated methods for evaluating body composition, Bioimpedance (BIA), it is definitely more suitable.

The model is composed of:

  1. Body Fat: It expresses all body fat ranging from essential fatty adipose tissue.
  2. Massa Mobile: Compartment that contains the internal tissue cells, rich in potassium, which exchanges oxygen, which oxidizes glucose.
  3. Extracellular mass: Component that includes the extra cellular tissues and then the plasma, the interstitial fluids (extracellular water), the water transcellular (cerebrospinal fluid, joint fluids), tendons, dermis, collagen, elastin and skeleton.

The water represents the extracellular compartment volumetrically more significant mass of Extra-Cellular space and is subject to more rapid and significant changes.
The lean body mass is the result of the sum of Massa Mobile phone with extracellular mass.
After making an initial assessment of body composition, we will proceed with the set a schedule of workouts, a variable period. Specifically, the training will be modulated factors such as intensity, volume, loads, sets, reps and recoveries, in order to develop progressive and constant adaptations to training.
The risk that we run is to lose lbs of lean mass, leading to a reduction in basal metabolism, thus slowing down the process of weight loss.
To avoid this inconvenience, unfortunately very frequent due to misconceptions about training, I will list below some general rules to follow to set up a training program:

  1. Train hard but in moderation with this statement mean that you do not need to go to the gym every day, it takes 2-3 workouts per week, provided they are strong enough to stimulate the metabolism and cause the adaptations.
  2. First train in the weight room, then move to the aerobic work: The type of effort required in the weight room is "anaerobic", intense and short-lived. Therefore, the energy source required to ensure compliance with these efforts is purely of type "glucose". To make the most of the carbohydrate reserves, work in the weight room must precede the aerobic workout.
  3. Always select exercises that make it possible to use more muscle groups simultaneously: So, go-ahead to bending the legs, arms, movements of pulling, pushing, etc.. These movements "global" force our body to a higher caloric expenditure and also increase strength, coordination and balance more than isolated movements.
  4. Do not go overboard with aerobics: Aerobic activity (prolonged running, cycling) should be moderate, even in this case you do not need to run for hours on the treadmill, it takes 10 to 20 minutes after your workout. I do not agree much with the theory of activation of fat metabolism after the 30'-40 'of low-intensity aerobic activity. If it is true that in this way activates the metabolism of fat, it is true that there is a considerable loss of fluids and sometimes lean mass.
  5. Avoid overtraining: As mentioned above, work in many cases too causes loss of muscle tone. This is just one of the signs of overtraining. Stubbornly ignore the signals intense workout has only one result: to make counterproductive training. For this reason it is important to listen to your body: the first symptoms of loss of appetite, joint pain and general feeling of weakness, it is important to take a few days of recovery.
    Tone up and lose weight
Other important rules to follow regarding the power supply. No training program produces significant results in a short time if not accompanied by proper eating habits. Therefore the rules listed above are paired with the following dietary recommendations:
  1. Divide into 5-6 daily meals every three hours, then add to the three main meals of the day, two snacks, mid-morning and mid-afternoon. If you need to insert a meal before bedtime.
  2. Increase the quantity daily protein if you are physically active moderate / intense, it is necessary to counteract the catabolism, and maintain lean body mass; choose protein sources such as meat, fish and dairy products low in fat
  3. Reducing sugars, refined carbohydrates and saturated fats: sugar intake creates a rapid increase in the levels of blood glucose (blood sugar). This phenomenon stimulates the release of a hormone called insulin, which promotes the absorption of glucose into the cells. The latter, if in excess, is converted into fat. Saturated fats are harmful because they increase cholesterol levels.
  4. Replace them with low carbs / medium glycemic index, mono and polyunsaturated fats, such as whole grain foods, fruits, vegetables, extra virgin olive oil, walnuts or almonds.
  5. Drink at least 1 ½ / 2 liters of water per day.

วันอังคารที่ 27 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2556

Fats burn in the fire of carbohydrates

Fats burn in the fire of carbohydrates

Fats burn in the fire of carbohydrates

I read a lot, and perhaps, too often, the "diet last moment" in which, based on the allegation: "fats burn in the fire of carbohydrates", power is taken "single-issue". Let me give an example: the banana diet or the grapefruit or any other food that is rich in sugars and completely devoid of lipids.
In modern times, in which the science of nutrition is manipulated by "multinational wheat" and a "medical" culture that shows a great ignorance by continuing to recommend a carbohydrate consumption over the top (if you're not an athlete) and consumption protein stupidly low (even if you are not an athlete), it is only logical that the statement soprariportata biochemistry is misunderstood and is being used as an excuse to "endorse" these ancestral theories of some "nutritionists" Italian.

Truth or urban legend then?

Both things; chemically speaking is more than correto affirm that the fats are in need of glucose to be oxidized, but there is a misunderstanding. "Burn" what brings you to imagine this verb? Think about it a little. The "burn" gives us the idea to destroy and render useless, to get rid of something, and tell me if I'm wrong. "Burning fat", then, gives us the idea of ​​"losing" to get them to ashes, then unusable. Well, there is larger error. In biochemistry, "burn" means the ability to extract energy from a given substrate, indicating the metabolism, which are carbohydrates, fats or proteins, "burn" is the condition of ATP can withdraw from them.

ATP: currency trading

Money: how our economy, even our body is based on a "money", this is ATP or adenosine triphosphate. It is not my intention to go into the chemical treatment of this molecule, so do not expect long and boring descriptions of reactions leading to its formation.
Currency trading because all our body works the ATP, cell reproduction, growth, each reaction abbisogna of this coin. You understand, then, how the various macronutrients are nothing but "sources of money." Except for several exceptions, such as membrane phospholipids and structural proteins, the remaining substrates only serve to give ATP.
When you pull on a pair of sets of curls, for example, ATP consumed, fat, muscle glycogen and amino acids are "burned" just to give ATP and be able to continue the exercise.

Krebs cycle and glucose availability

We get to the point, the cycle of chemical rezioni for when such claim. The Krebs cycle or "tricarboxylic acid cycle" is the intermediate stage, after glycolysis and betaossidazione, and followed by "respiratory chain of electrons", adapted to extract the greatest amount of ATP from lipids, glucose and amino acids; residues of this cycle are water and carbon dioxide.
The glucose, through various reactions, it is converted into oxaloacetate, an essential substrate for the Krebs cycle and occurs afinchè the acetyl-CoA (given by the oxidation of fats, or betaossidazione) can give the higher yield of ATP.
Oxaloacetate; this can only be obtained from glucose, which comes from the metabolism of carbohydrates, or by the oxidation of glucogenic amino acids does not matter, it is only essential that there is glucose to give oxaloacetate. What happens when we have limited availability of glucose?
You will read my article on ketogenic diets and, hopefully, you were able to make you understand how is the synthesis of ketone bodies. When there is poor availability of glucose, as in approaches "low carbs" or, more extreme, in ketogenic diets, the Krebs cycle is slowed down or completely blocked.
Remember that a gram of fat gives 9 calories? Well, when in short supply our dear oxaloacetate and the Krebs cycle is blocked, the acetyl-CoA, since the metabolism of lipids, begins to accumulate. The combination of 2 molecules of acetyl-CoA gives us a nice "ketone body."
Let's go back to the word "burn", "set fire" to a gram of fat in the Krebs cycle allows us to have 9 calories; give way, however, to ketosis gives us only 7 calories per gram of fat. It does not end here though; ketone bodies can not be stored and reused as with fat. When 2 molecules of acetyl-CoA merge, stop, end, it may be more divided, or used for other reactions of "cash withdrawal". The body, when glucose is scarce, it produces ketone bodies, and this production is almost always in surplus. Those whose needs are not only expelled through urine, sweat and breathing. Note well that there is a big waste of "money" in the absence of glucose and how, for the same calories, a ketogenic diet harbors a greater energy deficit.
Fats, burning fire of carbohydrates, will give us 9 calories. Instead, "dying" in the cold of ketosis only 7 calories per gram. The Krebs cycle allows us, therefore, to oxidize so total fats and withdraw them from the maximum quantity of ATP with very little waste of energy. The absence of oxaloacetate, however, carries a small gain of ATP with, in addition, a greater waste of money.

วันจันทร์ที่ 26 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2556

Lose weight with the white meat

Lose weight with the white meat

Lose weight with the white meat

The white meat is more digestible and low in fat, it makes you lose weight fast times, does not overload the kidneys, does not jeopardize the arteries
The white meat has the advantages of proteins of animal origin, without the side effects typical of red meat, more fat, and long to digest source of cholesterol. For this is ideal in our diets that link to rapid weight loss.

What do we mean by white meat? It was common ground is identified with that of backyard poultry. It is actually "white" meat of young animals and then in that generic name fall calf, kid, lamb, pork, fish, rabbit, as well as poultry. Let's see how our bearings.
To our diet will choose different types of chicken, rabbit, turkey, to alternate with the fish.
Will exclude the duck and goose, which although poultry, by their characteristics are specified as red meat.
To avoid the capon, although its meat is defined white. Being a young neutered and fattened rooster has a characteristic dangerous fat accumulates inside the muscle mass and you can not "separate", which, however, we can do with each other poultry.
We hold occasional use for a goat, lamb, pork and veal young: even if they are white meat have more fat than chicken.

The benefits of white meat

- Satisfy without getting fat: the relationship between the calories that brings (few) and the sense of satiety it provides is one of the highest.
- Provides easily assimilated proteins: the white meat has a sequence of amino acids which make the intestinal absorption.
- It contains tryptophan, a precursor of the neurotransmitters being.
- Keeps the tissues firm even when you lose weight. Rich in proteins, the meat is valuable for the muscle protein turnover, is used to build and maintain them during the dimagrimenti firm.
- Renew the tissues and contributes to the formation of enzymes and antibodies.
- It is easily digestible, due to the low content of connective tissue, fat and reduced to the diameter of muscle fibers. This permits the rapid action of the gastric juices. It is easier to lose weight if you digest better.
- Another advantage of the white meat is that all the fats it contains are concentrated in the skin and under the skin, where they are separated from the rest. Before cooking it is therefore appropriate to raise this visible fat by removing the skin.

Lose weight with the winning formula of white meat

Here is the diet plan to get the most slimming effect. Follow the advice on the doses and cook it in a light but tasty. You will get a quick weight loss, well a pound a week, maintaining a weight loss.

100g of white meat 4 or 5 times a week

Always accompany it with at least 250 g of raw or cooked vegetables.
Unite it to 80 g of rice pilaf or polenta, barley, spelled, couscous twice a week, preferably at noon. Use it as a main dish, dietary and filling.
Consumala together with 100 g of legumes once a week, for example chicken stew or rabbit with peas.
On days when you do not eat meat, your share of proteins will be given by the fish (which is still "white meat").
The rest of your food program is free, do not eat sweets or seasoning food too.

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 25 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2556

Dukan Diet: How It Works

Dukan Diet: How It Works

Dukan Diet: How It Works

The Dukan diet makes you lose weight? The Dukan diet is one of the most popular diets of the moment because for many people it seems easier to follow along with constancy.

How does the Dukan diet? It works for weight loss? The Dukan diet is a diet that works for recipes from the various phases, the Dukan diet is definitely one of the techniques most used today to lose weight, since nowadays many stars and people use it for weight loss. The Dukan diet is different from all other methods of weight loss and now we will explain why.

Why does the Dukan diet?

The dukan diet is based on an high consumption of protein, however, combined with a proper intake of all other macroelements, including fats. This system is designed to stimulate your body to burn more calories helping you to reduce weight. Are you wondering how it is possible that a diet can be so effective, especially since it does not involve any use of equipment or food supplements. You should know that a balanced diet and controlled not only the perfect solution to lose weight, but also to keep it constant throughout your life.

The phases of the Dukan diet (how it works)

This strategy designed to make you lose weight is composed of several stages:

Phase 1

The first stage is called "attack", because it is equivalent to a real bombardment of proteins. This means that about ten days you have to consume mainly protein-rich foods. This is the phase during which you can lose more weight in a short time: this is because the large protein will make you feel full longer and help you to synthesize a greater number of calories.

2nd phase

During this phase you can eat vegetables, combined with protein-rich foods such as meat or fish. It is almost like a break from only protein consumption, so as to alternate with the intake of vitamins, fiber and minerals in plant foods.

3rd phase

During the third phase, you can add fruit, cheese, starches and even some food that you would not expect: Have you ever heard a diet that makes you eat even a slice of cake? Well, we see it as an encouragement to extend as long as this plan, so as to make the Dukan diet integral part of your life. Follow the third phase for a maximum of 5 days, in order to avoid the rebound effect of fat that could lead to reaccumulate lost weight with great effort so far.

4th stage

This is called the maintenance phase of the weight that you got after the other three phases.

As you may be able to stabilize your target weight?

Simple, you have to do at least one day a week during which assume only proteins: no fruit, no vegetables, no starches ... So be able to make the Dukan diet effective!

Recipes for the Dukan Diet:

The Dukan diet is a great opportunity to try new tasty recipes that, thanks to their high protein content, are for you:

Chicken Marsala
Ingredients: chicken breast, curry powder, marsala, garlic, mushrooms, milk and red onion;

Preparation: Cut the chicken breast into thin strips so as to speed up its cooking in the pan, and add us garlic, curry and a bit 'of salt. Sear the chicken on both sides until golden; while it is cooking, cut the onion and mushrooms into small pieces, then add them to go on the fire. When the mushrooms begin to shrink, add milk and a splash of marsala wine, to give that extra touch to this tasty recipe.

Eggs Chives
Ingredients: 2 eggs, cream cheese, ham, cherry tomatoes, spinach, mushrooms and chives.

Preparation: Prepare a mixture of tomatoes, mushrooms and spinach to be shredded together, now sauté the ham and onion, add us before the chopped prepared earlier. Add the cream cheese and mix well. Once you have added the eggs, mix well and cook in the oven for 10 minutes, before going to serve this dish with a garnish of chives.

Did you see that delicious recipes? Dimagrirete thanks to the kindness of the Dukan diet!

Example Dukan diet:

First day of the Dukan Diet:

1 cup of hot green tea
2 slices of grilled chicken breast

Vietnamese beef (seasoned with black pepper, coriander, garlic, ginger, soy sauce)
Low-fat yogurt
1 pancake made with oat bran and cinnamon

Shrimp seasoned with olive oil and garlic
2 nice slices of grilled chicken

Second day of the Dukan Diet:

1 cup of hot green tea
Omelet made with 1 egg
Slices of ham different (but must be well degreased)

Trout seasoned with spices to taste
Shrimp grilled and seasoned only with lemon
Tea or coffee without sugar

2 hard-boiled eggs seasoned with mayonnaise Dukan (prepared with black pepper, 1 tablespoon mustard, 1 egg, cream cheese, a pinch of salt and a little 'chopped parsley)

Day Three of Dukan Diet:

1 cup of hot green tea
Cream cheese
3 slices of turkey ham

Grilled chicken breast
2 scoops of ice cream with granola
1 slice of cheesecake

chicken nuggets
eggnog made with 3 eggs and 6 teaspoons of sugar cane

Fourth day of the Dukan Diet:

1 cup of hot green tea
scrambled eggs
cream cheese

chicken curry
Tea or coffee without sugar
1 muffin

Salmon soup

Fifth day of the Dukan Diet:

1 cup of hot green tea
Low-fat yogurt with oat bran

steamed fish with herbs
ricotta cheese
white tea
surimi sticks served with lemon only

Beef steak with green pepper

Sixth day of the Dukan Diet:

1 cup of hot green tea
Omelet with 1 egg and a little 'of ham and 1 teaspoon Parmesan cheese

Grilled turkey breast
2 slices of ham
White tea
3 bran biscuits

baked meatballs

Seventh day of the Dukan Diet:

1 cup of hot green tea
1 hard-boiled eggs with baked potato

smoked salmon
the oat bran pancake
Tea or coffee without sugar

Roast chicken (without skin)

Dukan Diet contraindications and side effects:

Even the Dukan diet is a diet certainly not without contraindications and side effects, which may occur in sensitive people that can be caused because of ketosis, as the Dukan diet, by its nature, being a restrictive diet high in protein and of course, leads to a dietary deficiency of carbohydrates, electrolytes, minerals and fiber, and protein load in the period of the most common side effects that may occur are as follows:

  • Listlessness
  • tiredness
  • Irritability
  • Lack of concentration
  • Nausea
  • Headache

Constipation or diarrhea
If these side effects should appear to be at a frequency and a high intensity is well informed promptly of his trusted expert who will be able to take control of the situation by suspending the Dukan diet or eating plan such as the insertion in an increased amount of fiber, liquids, and suggest the consumption of food supplements and multivitamins saline. Finally note that before embarking on a diet, and therefore also the Dukan diet, you should always evaluate with your doctor which diet and lifestyle more suitable for weight loss and improve your health!

วันเสาร์ที่ 24 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2556

How to lose a calf

How to lose a calf

How to lose a calf

Perform Pilates exercises. Pilates muscle groups of the legs, which can lead to the formation of long, thin leg muscles. The exercises in Pilates routine does not involve resistance training, in order not to increase muscle mass.

Swimming in a public pool, public or private. If you do not have access to one, check with local gyms to see if they have swimming pools. Since the weights are not used, operating in the water does not accumulate in large quantities.

Walking or running three or four times a week. Walking and running leg work and can cause the calf muscles thin. If you do, you do it slowly over long distances. Sprinters tend to have bulky legs, while endurance athletes (those who work more slowly) have thin legs and thin.

Cycling. The bicycle can be performed either in a conventional bicycle or a stationary version. Riding a motorcycle outside you can enjoy the outdoors and fresh air. If you ride an exercise bike at home, you can pass the time watching TV while exercising.

Run features. Stretching makes the muscles longer and leaner. Yoga, Pilates and stretching can help relax the muscles of the legs. One type of test is carried out from the calf stretching and relaxation. To perform this stretch, stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Keep your toes pointing forward and the heel plate. Make a quarter squat by bending your knees slightly forward. Hold this position for thirty seconds.

วันศุกร์ที่ 23 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2556

Eliminate belly man: how to lose inches too

Eliminate belly man: how to lose inches too

Eliminate belly man: how to lose inches too

Women tend to gain weight especially in your hips, thighs and buttocks while men get fat in the abdomen, the famous bacon with love handles. When summer approaches and storing it in the closets of the heavy sweaters, we realize the pounds accumulated during the winter and you run for cover.

Very often walking down the street meet the men who in general have a nice body but have excess fat localized mainly on the belly. To remove the excess fat, also known by the name of fat, you need to follow a proper diet that contains the right amount of calories needed to meet the energy needs staff and practicing moderate physical activity. Sport is a great ally to slim the tummy and man must be practiced at least three times a week.

To eliminate belly man, it is also useful to practice the exercises that are targeted to work especially the muscles of the stomach, or the abs.

Helpful tips to eliminate belly man

As has already been said human fat is localized mainly in the abdomen. E 'useful to know that there are two different types of fat and are listed below.
The localized fat is what accumulates particularly in specific parts of the body such as the abdomen, buttocks, hips and so on. In some cases, localized fat is caused by genetic causes but in most cases it is due to improper diet, excessive alcohol or carbonated soft drinks and a sedentary lifestyle.
The generalized fat is instead that which is localized in a uniform manner throughout the body, including the muscles. The generalized fat is typical of those who practice intense physical activity.

To eliminate belly man you need to change lifestyle habits and wrong to prefer healthy style of life. Listed below are some helpful tips to eliminate belly man.

  • Prevent or moderate the consumption of sweets, sugar, and carbonated beverages that contribute to inflate the abdomen.
  • Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, at least five servings a day, which is rich in fiber and minerals and helps to deflate the belly.
  • Drink at least two liters of still water the day. E 'can also drink tea, the quality is very suitable green.
  • Avoid drinking alcohol and spirits.
  • Practice a moderate physical activity.

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 22 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2556

Tips and exercises to slim thighs

Tips and exercises to slim thighs

By nature, a woman's body tends to store the fat eaten in the thighs and buttocks and, let's face it, delete is not at all simple. Here are our tips to slim the thighs and to have toned legs and beautiful.

>> First, I suggest that you regularly Special exercises of our personal trainers Marta Fovana, you can find here

Streamline your thighs

Limited to the maximum fat intake. The only way to lose weight is to watch your diet and limit your intake of fatty foods. Remove the sausages, fried and greasy foods.
Replace starchy foods with protein. Because the proteins (eggs, poultry, lean meats, fish) to the muscles replace fat: so much the better for your thighs. If consumed in the evening, starchy foods (pasta, rice) are stored, then it is best to eat them for lunch, but in moderation.
Drink lots of water. The thighs are the part of the body most affected by the water retention, so you have to constantly they drain. Drink at least a liter and a half of water a day to flush out toxins and make extensive use of soups and hot beverages such as tea.
Go easy on the salt, because it promotes water retention. Be wary of ready meals, which often contain a lot and even sparkling water.
Avoid sugar. It is no secret, sugar is not good for line and the higher the circumference of thighs and buttocks. Red Light for sweets, cakes, ice cream and soft drinks but also alcohol.
Consume plenty of fruits and vegetables. Rich in vitamins and minerals, fruits and vegetables are good for health but also for the line, because they contain few calories.

Thin thighs

- The creams. Made with caffeine or guarana, refreshing or thermal effect, there are many creams on the market designed to thin thighs and eliminate cellulite. Do not forget that the cream is much more effective if it is associated with a lymphatic drainage massage, which stimulates blood circulation.
- The Cellu M6 Keymodule. It is a tool that moves cellulite, making you lose a few inches. Plays the technique of palp & roll which consists in grasping the skin and remove it from cellulite, which is eliminated.
- The cold shower. Home remedy, cold shower, although not very pleasant, has proved its effectiveness. After taking a bath or shower, passed a jet of cold water on the thighs:'ll refresh invigorate circulation and skin.
- The lymphatic drainage. This technique consists in stimulating the lymph through manual pressure fighting the feeling of heaviness in the legs and eliminate cellulite. Lymphatic drainage is practiced in school at least once or twice a month.

Shaping the thighs through sport

Swimming is a sport that makes complete work the entire body, especially the thighs. To work the muscles in depth using the fins, which increase the effort. The water aerobics will allow you to make movements less abrupt but no less effective.

Jogging is an excellent example of the sport that allows you to get gorgeous legs. The prolonged exercise can burn fat and then to become leaner. You'll want to run for at least half an hour or more, but be careful to wear proper shoes, otherwise you may hurt your joints.
Skating is a fun sport that you can practice for a long time and not be tired too, rollerblading will make you thighs and buttocks of steel.
The brisk walking: to have nice legs is the most easy to do. Take advantage of every opportunity to walk a little ', go on foot to go shopping, avoid taking the bus if you have to make only two stops. And no elevator! Make a habit of climbing the stairs is easy and does work the muscles of the thighs.
The dance: If you do not like sports, try to choose the dance. Calls for a lot of the leg muscles, especially the Latin dance or African dance.
The bicycle. The bicycle allows you to work your leg muscles gently and, in addition, it is easy to find the time to make: you can go to work by bike or make smaller movements. When the weather is nice, the bicycle is the most pleasant of public transport.

Specific exercises

The chair: back against the wall and feet apart, bend your legs up and sit on an invisible chair. Stay in this position for a few seconds, then returns to the starting position. Make 3 or 4 series of 10 movements, riposandomi few seconds between the one and the other.
Lunges: Standing with your feet at hip width apart, tighten your abs and buttocks then throws one foot forward. The knee should form a right angle with the floor, while the other leg must be stretched. Hold this position for a few seconds, then returns to the starting position. Make 10 or 20 movements, changing side every time.
The bends: Standing, arms along the body and the palms of your hands resting on your thighs, bend your knees, raising his arms in front of you. Repeat the exercise 20 to 30 times.

วันพุธที่ 21 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2556

Diet to lose belly

Diet to lose belly

Now is the time to start and to choose a diet to lose belly and hips and eliminate fat. How to start?
We illustrate 3 golden rules you should know about diets to lose the belly and I'll give you the same indication that I offer to my readers who write to me privately frustrated about not being able to lose weight and slim down your tummy and hips. In addition, I will be sure point you in the 4 best weight loss programs in the world - finally all available in Italian - with numerous testimonials and photos of happy smiles after losing by 10 to more than 20 kg.

Diet to lose belly - Instructions for use

first enemy of the diets is frustration. We must take it as a game and organize the way to vary the greatest possible power. Without forgetting to keep, alongside food "duty," other foods "pleasure" to serve as a lifeline. You have, moreover eat a variety of foods. The human being is omnivorous and must eat everything and in so many different ways as possible. But, in the case of having to decrease energy intake, as 85% of diets to lose belly suggested today, what will be changed. Compared to your usual way of eating, it is the seasoning. This does not prevent you from treating yourself every once in a while 'real chocolate or a glass of wine! No diet to lose belly will be able to make you lose weight if you do not respect their own impulses, desires or delusions.

Diet to lose belly - Rule One

I often receive requests for menus with recipes, to be followed as a model of diet, which I generally refuse to give, even if they happen to compile some for the newspapers I work with. Why? Why to lose weight the person concerned - let me call you - must learn to manage alone food. Diet to lose belly can cook using ingredients well, you just know what they like and what not and think about the most appropriate methods of cooking and seasoning. So I've compiled a list of the best weight loss programs in the world, just because they help people regain their physical well-being, lose weight with health and especially to avoid taking pills hateful! The standard of weight loss diet belly where everything is imposed from above have little chance to succeed in the long term. I'd rather explain where you can find fiber, protein and sugars and propose an ideal "shopping tour" from which everyone takes what most 

diet to lose belly - Rule Two 

he pleases, with the serene knowledge that you are taking care and slimming at the same time, without frustration. Do not you like your meat, you have all the rights not to eat it, provided you find a food or two with the same nutritional principles can replace it. As for fruits and vegetables, just change every day to vary the diet to lose belly and hips and burn fat, etc.. Not upset life! Even if you're on a diet, you can keep all your habits. You just have to find solution to the urge to eat between meals or before certain dishes if you are in a business lunch or a dinner with friends. If you can follow a follow this advice, for as long as necessary only if this does not involve excessive frustration. Each of the programs that council, chosen from among a hundred available online and in collaboration with Jessica - Certified Nutritionist - offers great motivation and tricks to follow this golden rule, which is essential for any diet to lose weight that is defined as such. Do not you feel more guilty if you will grant one or two pieces of chocolate.

Diet to lose belly - Rule three

a "softer" allows you to slim down four five pounds in a month
Everyone can adjust the diet in accordance with his desires, given that you can follow for as long as you want, alternating them too. The most impatient people are ready to make sacrifices heavier, others prefer a slower pace, but still able to provide satisfactory results. No matter what you weigh five pounds less after fifteen days or a month later, what matters is ... get there!

วันอังคารที่ 20 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2556

Lose weight by swimming

Lose weight by swimming

Lose weight by swimming

Hello, this is the first time I write on this website, I am a 20 year old boy that 2 years now started to go in the pool (I had never played sports seriously) especially to pull down a little bit of fat (they are 190 cm tall and weight 90 kg) person arrived today after several increases to swim 3 times a week for 2 hours doing 200 swimming pools of 25 meters (120 tanks the first hour, the second 80) is a good workout to lose weight ? There are speed or distance to be referred to in this sport?
Any aerobic sport is indicated (and essential) for weight loss and weight maintenance form, as long as the calories consumed are sufficient to ensure a significant increase in caloric expenditure. Generalizing is not easy and from a certain point of view not so correct, however, if I were to suggest a minimum expenditure of calories to achieve with physical activity to achieve a healthy weight and to keep it, I would say 200 kcal per day for women and 300 for men.
Lose weight by swimming

To consume such a large amount of calories, a woman of 50 kg and a 70 kg man should go, every week:
  • 30 km race the woman and 40 km running man OR;
  • 10 km swimming women and 12.5 men.
I make the comparison with the race because it is physical activity for which the calculation of calories consumed is more accurate and intuitive (body weight x distance in km). These indications, albeit rough, clearly indicate that, in order to achieve an increase in caloric expenditure tangible, but all in all not striking (amounting to less than a plate of pasta Yes!), You have to practice physical activity at a level of medium intensity and quite frequently. Indeed, it is easy to see:
- The minimum frequency of training is 3 times a week.
With 3 workouts a week, the man and the woman must travel type, respectively, 10 km and 13 km run or 3.3 km and 4.2 km swim, distances of all respect for which must be pretty well trained. So:
- It is very difficult to maintain a healthy weight by practicing a physical activity bland.

Lose weight by swimming-2

This introduction is necessary, since reading your email on the chair reading many swimmers will rock you do 200 tanks in a workout, when the majority of visitors to the swimming pool is only 80, or less. From the above figures, it turns out that, in reality, the daily calorie consumption is significant, but certainly not over the top, as high as 500-600 kcal per day, 1000-1200 kcal per session (the consumption of swimming depends on many parameters, in particular by the style and dall'andatura). The caloric expenditure will let you definitely lose weight, as long as you follow a low-calorie food. Unfortunately, the only physical activity is a necessary, but not sufficient, to maintain a healthy weight ... The advice that I can give you is to build yourself a food consciousness, that allows you to decrease caloric intake with consciousness, ie not following a diet prescribed by others, but learning by degrees to know the calories of the foods and to develop an hypocaloric feeding.

With regard to the swimming, definitely fractionate more training during the week (passing to 4-5 sessions) would allow you to have an improvement from the point of view of weight loss, for two reasons.
First, consume as many calories in one sitting alone makes you consume more glycogen (which is then restored) that fat. Second, on rest days generally tend to eat more, so fewer are better. I repeat, however, that these aspects are only after treating the nutritional aspect, which is the real tool for weight loss.
Regarding the speed to hold, the principle applies that to slim the intensity of effort must be one that makes us take the greatest number of miles in the available time, because km = calories consumed. There is no particular speed to recommend, because everything can be fixed "automatically" to make certain mileage you can not pull over a certain limit, also during weight loss glycogen stores are not the best and so you can not pull the maximum . Obviously, you can not expect to maintain speeds close to its limits, or set of quality during weight loss workouts too.

Cinnamon, weight loss and diabetes

Cinnamon, weight loss and diabetes

Cinnamon, weight loss and diabetes

Cinnamon and weight loss seem to go hand in hand according to the researchers. A study published in the journal Diabetes Care has shown promising results when using cinnamon as an aid to weight loss. The study participants saw results with 1.5-2 teaspoons a day. La Spezia is easily obtained at the supermarket and can be easily added to meals and snacks. It is one of the best natural weight loss aids available

Benefits of Cinnamon and Weight Loss

• Effective appetite suppressant

• Reduces bad cholesterol

• Regulates blood sugar and insulin levels

Cinnamon lowers blood sugar and increases insulin levels, while maintaining the levels of glucose in the blood more stable. Levels of blood sugar more stable to prevent weight gain. When the increase in the level of sugar in the blood, the body tends to store fat, so it is very important to keep your blood sugar stable while trying to lose weight. Cinnamon is popular for those who have diabetes, pre-diabetes and metabolic syndrome, since it is a safe and natural way to cure obesity.

Glucose lowering effect of cinnamon

The effects of glucose lowering cinnamon were discovered accidentally when the research has been conducted on different foods and their effects on glucose levels in the blood. When the researchers tested the apple pie, they expected an increase in blood sugar. Instead, it has been lowered blood sugar. The cinnamon in apple pie turned out to be the cause of the discovery of surprise.

How to lose weight with diabetes

A follow-up study on diabetes found that two teaspoons of cinnamon reduced levels of glucose in the blood and increases levels of insulin. If you need to know how to lose weight with diabetes, can look at this study, in type 2 diabetes patients who were taking diabetes medications, also found that the levels of bad cholesterol (LDL) decreased. The benefits continued after the study participants stop taking cinnamon.

Cinnamon for how to lose weight with diabetes

Although cinnamon for weight loss is quite safe, you should always consult your doctor before adding anything to your regimen and certainly not out taking any medications without doctor's okay. Monitor your blood sugar closely if you add the spice to your diet. Cinnamon and weight loss can cause changes in blood sugar that you and your doctor will need to monitor. Your doctor may choose to take you out of certain medications if your regimen of spices lowers the levels of blood sugar too, but check with your doctor first to eliminate or reduce your medications. You and your doctor should work together to determine the best management system for your individual needs.

Over cinnamon and weight loss

Cinnamon can certainly benefit overweight people and those who suffer from diabetes or metabolic syndrome, but it is also healthy for individuals of normal weight while having the following properties:

• It relieves the stomach and may be useful in preventing ulcers

• Limit the action of organisms that cause yeast infections and urinary tract

• Treats indigestion

• Treats athlete's foot

• It has antibacterial properties

• The scent improves cognitive function

With cinnamon and weight loss get the benefits of cinnamon and you can enjoy the spice in a variety of ways.

Tasty ways to enjoy cinnamon include:

• sprinkling a bit 'in your coffee or tea by mixing with a cinnamon stick

• sprinkling of La Spezia on yogurt or cereal for breakfast hot or cold

• warm milk or hot chocolate with a little cinnamon sprinkled on top

If you're not a fan of La Spezia, there are capsules of cinnamon supplement available that you can add to your daily routine and reap the benefits without having to figure out how you are going to use the spice in your meals.

Losing weight with diabetes using cinnamon

Cinnamon and weight loss works well when the spice is added to your daily routine, whether in the form of capsules or by the Cabinet of spices. Two teaspoons per day, over time, reduce the levels of blood glucose, cholesterol and improve the benefit you in many other ways that do not include the weight loss. Check with your doctor before starting any new treatments, including treatments safe, natural like cinnamon.

วันจันทร์ที่ 19 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2556

Weight Loss Diets: lose weight in a smart way

Weight Loss Diets: lose weight in a smart way

Weight Loss Diets: lose weight in a smart way

In many publications attention was paid to the fact that maintaining your ideal body weight promotes good health, that at present the proportion of the population is overweight or obese is considerable, that a hundred million years of heredity favored during the famine, those who accumulated fat in times of plenty, that losing weight is, therefore, very difficult for most people and that trendy weight-loss diets and quick fixes do not lose weight.

So, what should you do to reduce your weight?

The only way to lose weight is to make sure that regular food intake provides substantially less energy (expressed in kilocalories or kilojoules) of that expense to heat the body to carry out normal activities and to engage in exercise .

When you reduce your food intake, metabolism decreases by about 15%. The margin between the energy expenditure and that provided by the diet must be of at least 25% and preferably 40%.
If a woman who normally consume 2,000 kcal a diet that provides 1,500, the margin between its reduced use (2000-15%) and its contribution is only 200 kcal per day.

This means that it would take more than 5 weeks to lose 1 kg, a weight reduction unacceptable.
Therefore, if the energy gap is inadequate, the weight reduction is so slow that the motivation is lost.
The normal power consumption of most women, unless they are very intense exercise regularly, is about 2,000 kcal per day.

Excess weight increases this value but, as that will cause even more sedentary lifestyle, it is more reasonable to consider the 2,000 kcal as a reference. The men usually consume more energy, but it is better not to take this into consideration.

The males, in fact, following the same weight loss diet, lose weight more quickly and is an advantage because men are usually less patient when it comes to losing weight.
Recent studies have confirmed that when you lose weight, regardless of their diet, body mass lost (considering the weeks after the first, when the loss is made with 20% of reserve carbohydrates and 80% water) is always composed of 75% fat and 25% of other components of the organism (including proteins).
Thus, the loss of 1 kg of weight requires a total expenditure of approximately 7,000 kcal. On this basis it can be shown that with a contribution of:

  • 1,200 kcal per day (on average an amount considered in the diet), weight loss is about 0.3-0.7 kg per week
  • 800 kcal per day, the loss is about 0.7-1.4 kg per week
  • 500 kcal per day, the loss is about 1.5-2.5 kg per week
But then there is the perfect weight loss diet? Unfortunately the answer is "no." Who should be able to formulate a multimillionaire become in a short time.
When it comes to eating, everyone has their own preferences. As a result, many of those working in this field recognize that having the possibility to choose between various diets is considered an advantage, provided that measures are adopted principles that ensure safety, even after prolonged adoption.

So what are these security requirements?

The minimum daily intake of protein should be 50 gr. At present, this level is lower, but it is the opinion of experts from around the world that it is recommended an additional amount.
The minimum daily intake of fat, to ensure the proper intake of fatty acids and to promote the flow of bile, is about 7 grams per day.

With a daily intake to 1,400 kcal infer is virtually impossible, by following a diet consisting of normal foods, bring the body in the long run, especially sufficient vitamins and minerals.
In this case, the diets should also include vitamin and mineral supplements or food compounds substitutes that provide at least minimum input of vital elements (especially proteins, vitamins and minerals). Since during the diet you will lose a lot of fluids, non-caloric fluid intake should be high.

If you follow these few simple principles, it is easy to follow a diet? Again the answer is "no." Follow a diet is really tiring, but the following tips can be of help.
Initially, you should not set a goal of weight loss too difficult to achieve. Losing just 5-10% of its weight reduces many health problems. You have to lose weight a bit 'at a time, in a smart way.
Will and motivation are crucial. Many believe that the encouragement of individual and group helpful.
Regular exercise helps a lot.

Unfortunately, many of those who are overweight find it difficult to engage in physical activity in sufficient quantity so that it can give good results.
These people should however be encouraged to persevere in.
You especially need to be aware of the fact that the weight that is lost should not be resumed.

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 18 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2556

The diet and weight loss

The diet and weight loss

The diet and weight loss
When during the change of season, we realize that the pants or shirts last year have become somewhat 'narrow side we have two choices: take it with the washing machine or go on a diet.

Apart from letting us bring elegance with old clothes the ideal diet to lose weight also helps us feel better about ourselves and, more importantly, improves our overall well-being.

The most important enemies we face when we decide to lose weight are the haste and laziness. In the first case it is essential to realize that drugs, slimming diets last minute and various supplements do not represent a remedy but an aggravating the problem.

Although a strict diet followed for short periods of time is encouraging for the subject (the balance is actually moving to the left) weight loss is actually only apparent (weight loss is mainly due to the depletion of glycogen stores with resulting in dehydration). Only if the diet is maintained long weight loss is actually tied to a reduction in fat mass.

And the trouble does not end here ...

The very low calorie diets attack the muscle sparing fat and laying the groundwork for a new weight gain. If you choose to go this route, the disadvantages are numerous, despite early, apparent good results. The reduction in basal metabolism due to calorie restriction is opposed to weight loss and as soon as you start eating normally, you will quickly regain all the lost pounds, with lots of interests.

Repeated loss and gain of weight (yo-yo diets) do nothing but increase the ability of our body to keep the fat accumulation. It then becomes increasingly difficult to lose weight by simply diet or through the use of slimming products.

Here's why: A RESTRICTIVE APPROACH TO DIETARY SOO AD HOC binge eating (you only need one every 10 days or even worse every week-end) CAN NOT 'WORK!

The contribution of physical inactivity to the development of overweight is very significant. Today more than ever, many scholars agree that weight gain is linked more to a reduction in physical activity than to an increased caloric intake.

Nine times out of ten a weight loss program based solely on dietary restriction fails. Despite the good will of many diets started with the aim of losing weight are in fact abandoned in the throes of hunger pangs that frustrate the efforts previously made.

The only solution to this problem is to increase their level of physical activity. A similar approach allows in many cases to lose weight even in the absence of a dietary restriction.

Sports enthusiasts are in fact a higher metabolism and this means that their energy consumption is higher even at rest.


General tips

Follow-balanced and varied diet that will create the calorie deficit is not excessive

-To avoid eating more than they should or give in to the temptation of too few, brush your teeth at the end of the meal

-Eat slowly, so you feel satiated faster

Run-mixed physical activity alternating aerobic exercises (cycling, running, walking sustained, cross-country skiing, swimming in length) with other muscle-type (weight, free body toning exercises with elastic).

-To get the most slimming effect physical activity should be continued over time, and only in this way improvements in body composition and metabolism will be stable and durable.

Losing weight is important-but always with an eye on your health

-If the problem is not just "get in shape" being careful portions and movement but there are pounds to lose or located around the waist or even worse if there are diseases is best to follow a custom schema or dietary advice is a specialist


-Limit your intake of sugary drinks and sodas.

-Limit the consumption of alcohol eliminates the intake of alcoholic beverages if you are overweight or obese, or if any a family history of diabetes, obesity, hypertriglyceridemia, etc..

-Limit your daily intake of saturated fats (butter, fatty meats, red meats, fatty cheese) and trans fats (margarine, peanut butter, palm oil, rapeseed oil, etc.) ARE PRESENT IN MANY SNACKS, CRACKERS, BREAD STICKS, PAN CARRE ', COOKIES! Label tags READ THE FOOD THAT USUALLY WORN THEM ESPECIALLY IF DATE TO CHILDREN!.

-Limit your intake of simple sugars (sugar, sweets, sugary drinks), especially in the evening. Use in small amounts products sweet spreads on bread or biscuits (such as jams, fruit jams, honey and cream)

-The best vegetables raw or steamed.

-The yogurt is not necessarily thin, but avoid fruit yoghurt, which generally contains a lot of sugar. If you are overweight or obese, or if any a family history of diabetes, obesity, hypertriglyceridemia, hypercholesterolemia, etc.. what consumes 0.1% fat. If you eat a lot of milk, preferably to choose skimmed or semi-skimmed milk, which still retains its calcium content.

Keep high-fiber intake (eat plenty of fruits and vegetables).

Important-take of minimal doses of essential fatty acids, replace the meat with fish.

-Drink water every day (30 ml per kg of body weight). Drink frequently and in small quantities. The water balance must be maintained essentially drinking water, so much as that bottled than tap water, both safe and controlled. Remember that different drinks (such as orange, cola-type soft drinks, fruit juices, coffee, tea) as well as providing water also make other substances that contain calories (eg simple sugars) or which are pharmacologically active (eg caffeine). These drinks should be used in moderation.

The diet and weight loss-2

-Do you prefer white meat (chicken, turkey, rabbit) to red (beef, pork), but not eliminate it completely.

-Do you prefer more cheese magricome Piedmont ricotta cheese, mozzarella, meticulous, soft cheese, growth. Limit your intake of fat cheeses

-Avoid eating sausages and preserved meat among whose ingredients appear nitrite (E249 E250)! GO TO THE DANGERS OF THE PLATE!

-Take one day a week to eat whatever you like (but do not overdo it)

-Consumes pasta, rice, bread can be grains, especially in the evening but BEWARE there are so many other cereals: corn, burgul, amaranth, kamut, barley, spelled, etc..

-The breakfast is very important and should meet about 20% of the daily caloric requirement.

-Among the most healthful cooking methods include steaming and using the pressure cooker. Frying and grilling methods are potentially harmful to health.

-Use the dressing fats instead (OIL ONLY EVO) and prevents reuse of raw fats and oils already cooked.

-When possible, choose foods grown with the methods of organic farming and integrated pest management that are relatively free of toxic residues from chemical fertilizers, herbicides and fungicides.

-Learn to do the shopping: Read nutrition labels and prepare a list indicating only what you need.

-Limit your intake of foods and pre-cooked, free way instead to fresh vegetables and frozen.

Limit the use of salt-both at the table in the kitchen. Would you rather common salt with iodine-enriched salt (iodized salt).

-Go ahead with herbs: garlic, onion, basil, parsley, rosemary, sage, mint, oregano, marjoram, celery, leek, thyme, fennel seeds

Go ahead-to spices: pepper, pepper, nutmeg, saffron, curry

-Enhances the flavor of food using lemon juice and vinegar.

-Often hunger pangs are in reality simply a "need" for water instead of eating try drinking plenty of it.

-Never go grocery shopping on an empty stomach, this could cause you to buy high calorie foods and unhealthy from which you want to stay away.

-Consume only occasionally (holidays, birthdays, anniversaries) processed foods rich in salt (salty snacks, crisps, olives, some meats and cheeses)

! Remember that the palate can be trained within a few weeks.

! Getting used to new tastes and dietary principles requires a bit 'of time, but, generally, what may seem strange at first after a few attempts to' a better impression to become completely normal.

วันศุกร์ที่ 16 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2556

Lose weight by eating: the solution is the fruit off meals

Lose weight by eating: the solution is the fruit off meals

Fruit - The best choice for weight loss
Now for many of us the holidays are approaching and starts to be more and more imminent the time in which we will deal with the ever hated bikini test. Many of us have already started a few months ago with the diet, but if you just need some advice last minute, here's shrewdness that can help you lose those chiletti much more. And without too much effort.

A support was a group of scholars at the State University of Rio de Janeiro (Section Social Medicine) and published in recent days on the specialist magazine "Appetite", which showed that the fruit can be considered as a real remedy for weight loss.

The researchers examined 50 volunteers who had been diagnosed with a problem of obesity or overweight. The patients had to suffer for ten weeks of changes in their eating habits.

After the test period, it has been shown that women who had the habit of eating fruit between meals had lost almost a kilo, compared to others. Without further changes in the amount of calories ingested.

Industry experts, however, wanted to emphasize that the fruit can be considered as a useful tool to diet, but only in case of specific guidelines are followed: first, one must keep in mind that fruits like strawberries and watermelon are much more light, compared to bananas and persimmons, which occur much more calories.

It would be also advisable to consume two daily doses of fresh fruit and three vegetables, preferably fresh and solid mnagiate: Avoid juices (unless it is not centrifugal) and prefer to keep the peel, if possible of course.

I remind you, however, that fruits and vegetables are so good for our diet, but help to ease the loss of our weight also derives from the performance of the sport steadily and by a healthy balanced diet.

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 15 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2556

HCG Diet: Does it Work?

HCG Diet: Does it Work?

HCG Diet: Does it Work?
The HCG diet works and has no contraindications? The HCG diet is spreading in Italy and is having some success in America, although in the medical field is seen as one of the many diets advertised and balanced, but simply out of fashion, that promises to lose weight using a system that combines the 'injecting a pregnancy hormone (better known as growth hormone is called human chorionic gonadotropin) and 500 calories a day ... far too restrictive in terms of nutrients.

History of the HCG diet

The history of the HCG diet began in the years around 1950 when an endocrinologist in Britain began to introduce the hormone to his patients suffering from overweight and obesity in order to help further reduce the fat accumulated in the various areas of the body.

But the HCG Diet really work?

The answer is yes, but only in combination with it is combined with another plan for weight loss.

The fact remains that thousands of American people have lost a significant amount of weight and inches.

A diet low in calories to 500 calories per day is also an essential part in the principle of HCG diet because it helps to rid the body of excess fat. In addition, a point in favor of this type of diet is the fact that those who follow a diet hcg tend to more easily maintain the weight.

The HCG diet is a diet relatively inexpensive and does not require special foods, pills or any other form of treatment of weight loss that should be respected, but is a physician who specializes must inject the hormone hCG, even if they are taking more and more space oral treatments of this hormone.

In addition, these injections of "pregnancy hormone" seem to give the skin a more youthful appearance.

Each treatment lasts a minimum of 26 days and no less than 23 of those twenty-six days require a daily dose of growth hormone, either through injections that sublingual drops. The treatment can last 43 days (with 40 injections), unless a patient loses 15-18 pounds, before the time available to both the past.

What is HCG?

HCG, otherwise known as human chorionic gonadotropin, is a hormone that is prevalent in the human body during pregnancy. The main function of HCG is to ensure that the development of the child receives enough nutrients to grow and develop normally.

The effect of weight loss hcg hormone the body was discovered by Dr. ATW Simeons in 1950, given that men and women are overweight, causes of decrease appetite and it is easier to lose weight, especially in areas such as hips, thighs, buttocks and stomach.

Thanks to the extraordinary hcg hormone, the body can burn stored fat and use it as an energy source and a limit on daily calorie consumption substantially speeds up the process because the body will be stimulated to burn stored fat.

The HCG diet seems to improve the sleep cycle, you feel more energetic and more positive state of mind and all because the body reacts positively to the HCG formula and healthy food.

It is advisable to eat a combination of protein, vegetables and fruits and match some light exercise such as walking, doing sit-ups or push-ups and are recommended for hcg drops three times a day.

Possible side effects and contraindications of the hcg diet:

Some side effects recorded following the HCG diet, however, are to be reported, as with the administration of human chorionic gonadotropin hormones, the woman is to take a hormone that your body produces normally during pregnancy, so your body "deceived" might think to be in the stage of gestation, with the consequence of a possible enlargement of the mammary glands and in some cases also the production of small quantities of milk.

In addition, there may be over-stimulation that could lead to ovarian cyst formation and unwanted pregnancies. Another negative aspect that you might encounter with the hcg diet is a significant hair loss, or phenomena of hirsutism or hoarse voice that for a woman are decidedly unfeminine.

In the case of men, however, the side effects may be worse because you can have a low sexual desire, impotence, gynecomastia, highest voice and precocious puberty.

Feminine and masculine side effects may include: headache, gastroenteritis, cholecystitis, fatigue, irritability, anxiety, depression, increased uric acid, decreases in hematocrit and white blood cell (probably due to the severe caloric restriction and the loss of protein, vitamins and minerals).

The HCG diet has never been approved by the competent bodies because it is a true fasting by 500 calories per day: too few for the safety and health in general.

Considerations on the hcg diet:

A diet should normally be followed after a consultation with the doctor, even more so if you want to follow a diet like the HCG, also called the hormone diet, it is vital to be constantly monitored and controlled at the doctor and try to do just about any kind of physical activity as 500 calories certainly do not provide a sufficient energetic support.

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Weight loss supplement herbal Slim-N-Trim, obtain the shape of the body you want fast

Weight loss supplement herbal Slim-N-Trim, obtain the shape of the body you want fast
Structure of the perfect body is desired by people of all ages. Body weight plays an important role in the formation of the body structure. Besides looking good, the structure of the proper body with normal weight was found to be very beneficial to your health. How to control the body weight t? This is a common question asked by many of us. Today, there are a lot of cures available functionality weight loss treatment have online. The choice of the best product of thousands of products is not easy. In any case, functions best curative treat the cause of the problem. Do you know what being overweight or obese? The deposition of fat cells in the body or the accumulation of fat is the main reason behind obesity.

If you want to get the long-term outcome, without inducing side effects, so it is advisable to treat the underlying cause of a problem before. Diet is one of the main factors that play a key role in weight control programs. If you want to maintain weight according to your height, you need to follow a proper diet. For best results, we recommend that you seek the help of a health professional to prepare a diet plan. How many of you are fond of fatty foods? In terms of research, including fatty foods in the diet is one of the main reasons behind overweight.

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