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HCG Diet: Does it Work?

HCG Diet: Does it Work?

HCG Diet: Does it Work?
The HCG diet works and has no contraindications? The HCG diet is spreading in Italy and is having some success in America, although in the medical field is seen as one of the many diets advertised and balanced, but simply out of fashion, that promises to lose weight using a system that combines the 'injecting a pregnancy hormone (better known as growth hormone is called human chorionic gonadotropin) and 500 calories a day ... far too restrictive in terms of nutrients.

History of the HCG diet

The history of the HCG diet began in the years around 1950 when an endocrinologist in Britain began to introduce the hormone to his patients suffering from overweight and obesity in order to help further reduce the fat accumulated in the various areas of the body.

But the HCG Diet really work?

The answer is yes, but only in combination with it is combined with another plan for weight loss.

The fact remains that thousands of American people have lost a significant amount of weight and inches.

A diet low in calories to 500 calories per day is also an essential part in the principle of HCG diet because it helps to rid the body of excess fat. In addition, a point in favor of this type of diet is the fact that those who follow a diet hcg tend to more easily maintain the weight.

The HCG diet is a diet relatively inexpensive and does not require special foods, pills or any other form of treatment of weight loss that should be respected, but is a physician who specializes must inject the hormone hCG, even if they are taking more and more space oral treatments of this hormone.

In addition, these injections of "pregnancy hormone" seem to give the skin a more youthful appearance.

Each treatment lasts a minimum of 26 days and no less than 23 of those twenty-six days require a daily dose of growth hormone, either through injections that sublingual drops. The treatment can last 43 days (with 40 injections), unless a patient loses 15-18 pounds, before the time available to both the past.

What is HCG?

HCG, otherwise known as human chorionic gonadotropin, is a hormone that is prevalent in the human body during pregnancy. The main function of HCG is to ensure that the development of the child receives enough nutrients to grow and develop normally.

The effect of weight loss hcg hormone the body was discovered by Dr. ATW Simeons in 1950, given that men and women are overweight, causes of decrease appetite and it is easier to lose weight, especially in areas such as hips, thighs, buttocks and stomach.

Thanks to the extraordinary hcg hormone, the body can burn stored fat and use it as an energy source and a limit on daily calorie consumption substantially speeds up the process because the body will be stimulated to burn stored fat.

The HCG diet seems to improve the sleep cycle, you feel more energetic and more positive state of mind and all because the body reacts positively to the HCG formula and healthy food.

It is advisable to eat a combination of protein, vegetables and fruits and match some light exercise such as walking, doing sit-ups or push-ups and are recommended for hcg drops three times a day.

Possible side effects and contraindications of the hcg diet:

Some side effects recorded following the HCG diet, however, are to be reported, as with the administration of human chorionic gonadotropin hormones, the woman is to take a hormone that your body produces normally during pregnancy, so your body "deceived" might think to be in the stage of gestation, with the consequence of a possible enlargement of the mammary glands and in some cases also the production of small quantities of milk.

In addition, there may be over-stimulation that could lead to ovarian cyst formation and unwanted pregnancies. Another negative aspect that you might encounter with the hcg diet is a significant hair loss, or phenomena of hirsutism or hoarse voice that for a woman are decidedly unfeminine.

In the case of men, however, the side effects may be worse because you can have a low sexual desire, impotence, gynecomastia, highest voice and precocious puberty.

Feminine and masculine side effects may include: headache, gastroenteritis, cholecystitis, fatigue, irritability, anxiety, depression, increased uric acid, decreases in hematocrit and white blood cell (probably due to the severe caloric restriction and the loss of protein, vitamins and minerals).

The HCG diet has never been approved by the competent bodies because it is a true fasting by 500 calories per day: too few for the safety and health in general.

Considerations on the hcg diet:

A diet should normally be followed after a consultation with the doctor, even more so if you want to follow a diet like the HCG, also called the hormone diet, it is vital to be constantly monitored and controlled at the doctor and try to do just about any kind of physical activity as 500 calories certainly do not provide a sufficient energetic support.

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