วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 22 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2556

Tips and exercises to slim thighs

Tips and exercises to slim thighs

By nature, a woman's body tends to store the fat eaten in the thighs and buttocks and, let's face it, delete is not at all simple. Here are our tips to slim the thighs and to have toned legs and beautiful.

>> First, I suggest that you regularly Special exercises of our personal trainers Marta Fovana, you can find here

Streamline your thighs

Limited to the maximum fat intake. The only way to lose weight is to watch your diet and limit your intake of fatty foods. Remove the sausages, fried and greasy foods.
Replace starchy foods with protein. Because the proteins (eggs, poultry, lean meats, fish) to the muscles replace fat: so much the better for your thighs. If consumed in the evening, starchy foods (pasta, rice) are stored, then it is best to eat them for lunch, but in moderation.
Drink lots of water. The thighs are the part of the body most affected by the water retention, so you have to constantly they drain. Drink at least a liter and a half of water a day to flush out toxins and make extensive use of soups and hot beverages such as tea.
Go easy on the salt, because it promotes water retention. Be wary of ready meals, which often contain a lot and even sparkling water.
Avoid sugar. It is no secret, sugar is not good for line and the higher the circumference of thighs and buttocks. Red Light for sweets, cakes, ice cream and soft drinks but also alcohol.
Consume plenty of fruits and vegetables. Rich in vitamins and minerals, fruits and vegetables are good for health but also for the line, because they contain few calories.

Thin thighs

- The creams. Made with caffeine or guarana, refreshing or thermal effect, there are many creams on the market designed to thin thighs and eliminate cellulite. Do not forget that the cream is much more effective if it is associated with a lymphatic drainage massage, which stimulates blood circulation.
- The Cellu M6 Keymodule. It is a tool that moves cellulite, making you lose a few inches. Plays the technique of palp & roll which consists in grasping the skin and remove it from cellulite, which is eliminated.
- The cold shower. Home remedy, cold shower, although not very pleasant, has proved its effectiveness. After taking a bath or shower, passed a jet of cold water on the thighs:'ll refresh invigorate circulation and skin.
- The lymphatic drainage. This technique consists in stimulating the lymph through manual pressure fighting the feeling of heaviness in the legs and eliminate cellulite. Lymphatic drainage is practiced in school at least once or twice a month.

Shaping the thighs through sport

Swimming is a sport that makes complete work the entire body, especially the thighs. To work the muscles in depth using the fins, which increase the effort. The water aerobics will allow you to make movements less abrupt but no less effective.

Jogging is an excellent example of the sport that allows you to get gorgeous legs. The prolonged exercise can burn fat and then to become leaner. You'll want to run for at least half an hour or more, but be careful to wear proper shoes, otherwise you may hurt your joints.
Skating is a fun sport that you can practice for a long time and not be tired too, rollerblading will make you thighs and buttocks of steel.
The brisk walking: to have nice legs is the most easy to do. Take advantage of every opportunity to walk a little ', go on foot to go shopping, avoid taking the bus if you have to make only two stops. And no elevator! Make a habit of climbing the stairs is easy and does work the muscles of the thighs.
The dance: If you do not like sports, try to choose the dance. Calls for a lot of the leg muscles, especially the Latin dance or African dance.
The bicycle. The bicycle allows you to work your leg muscles gently and, in addition, it is easy to find the time to make: you can go to work by bike or make smaller movements. When the weather is nice, the bicycle is the most pleasant of public transport.

Specific exercises

The chair: back against the wall and feet apart, bend your legs up and sit on an invisible chair. Stay in this position for a few seconds, then returns to the starting position. Make 3 or 4 series of 10 movements, riposandomi few seconds between the one and the other.
Lunges: Standing with your feet at hip width apart, tighten your abs and buttocks then throws one foot forward. The knee should form a right angle with the floor, while the other leg must be stretched. Hold this position for a few seconds, then returns to the starting position. Make 10 or 20 movements, changing side every time.
The bends: Standing, arms along the body and the palms of your hands resting on your thighs, bend your knees, raising his arms in front of you. Repeat the exercise 20 to 30 times.

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