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How to Lose Weight Fast

How to Lose Weight Quickly

Lose weight without dieting? How to make 10 moves

Most of us have had to face at least once with the issue of losing weight. Of course, we wanted to do it using the most simple and fast. They sound so fabulous, and why we want it so bad, he comes to believe in miracle pills and diets in the short term, that promise to help you lose weight fast and have the appearance of our dreams in record time. These methods of weight loss could provide quick satisfaction, but it will only be for a short period of time, because of some long-term side effects that do nothing but slow down our metabolism and make you feel faint.

What I'm trying to say is that you can lose weight fast, but it is very important to the way you choose to do this, and how you start it. First you have to accept the situation you're in and how you gained your weight, without judging yourself too! And 'what it is, we are human beings, after all, you can not go back in time, so from now on we will take the most effective measures that will change our way of life in the long term or even forever - if we really want this.

Once you've managed to do that, the rest becomes easier and easier! There are only a few basic rules that must be respected and that will help you lose weight fast from the early days. Here are listed the most important ones that should become a routine in your life:

How to lose weight fast

1) Drink plenty of water

This is not a secret, you hear this everywhere, you should drink at least 2 liters of water a day! Well, there's a reason why I put this principle in the first place! Water is vital, detoxifies the body and contributes to the metabolism of the fires. My advice is to drink plenty of water, if possible, even three or four liters per day (you can also drink tea or lemonade sweetened with honey). They always have a bottle of water next to you, it will be much easier. Do not wait until you are thirsty to drink water because then the body is already dehydrated and it is too late. The water often help you realize that you were actually thirsty, not hungry!

2) Breakfast

It 'very important what kind of food your giving your body for the first time that day! It 's true that breakfast should be rich, but do not overdo it, because if you eat a lot in the morning, eat a lot all day long! It is recommended that the first morning snack should consist of fruits like apples, grapes, oranges, kiwi, mango, pineapple, nectarines - avoid bananas. Fruits not only great for detoxification, but also offer essential vitamins for the body and helps you lose weight faster. So, try to eat a little 'fruit during the morning, about 1-2 hours before breakfast.

3) Eat moderate!

At the beginning, it will be rather difficult to give away all of your old diet that you have been accustomed to, so will not even ask you to do so. Do not limit yourself to anything, except for the amount of food you eat. First you have to get used to eating less and more moderate. Be honest with yourself and listen to your stomach! Eat slowly and enjoy your food, you will know when to stop, even if you have not emptied the pot! Do not be driven by appetite, appetite is only in our brain and is the biggest enemy against weight loss. Conclusion: Satisfy your appetite, but be moderate! If you listen to your body, you will eventually feel that the amount of food you've eaten (smaller than you were used to) will be more than enough! Give your body what it needs, not what your appetite tells you!

4) Be more active!

To lose weight fast, the change in your lifestyle diet should be combined with an active lifestyle, with practice! It 's very important to not only lose weight but also to increase the strength of the body, become more healthy, and help increase the immune system. What is the golden rule to help you be able to do regular exercise, without giving up after a couple of weeks only? Well, do sports in a moderate pace, enough to feel that you've worked your body and just a little 'more! So you could always do without thinking with horror of gym class you need to attend today, or fitness, aerobics, etc. Do not push yourself too much, because you will not be able to keep up with it for a long time and soon 'll stop! Start moderate and if you're honest with yourself you will feel when your body is able to handle a greater effort and then you know that it's time to increase the difficulty of the exercise. The activity more efficient that will help you lose weight fast is running! It uses many muscles in the body and helps to increase endurance. There is no problem if you can not run and you get tired too easily! Just run as much as possible, then take a break while you are still walking up the return to normal breathing, then start running again and so on!

5) Find your hobby

Most of us gain weight because we find great pleasure in eating! Well, here is the moment when a hobby should interfere! Whether it's art or just walking your dog, think about what you enjoy doing and devote your time to do this! Therefore you will spend your time in a pleasant way, and think less ... food! Sometimes you eat because you're bored and have nothing else to do, or we are stressed, anxious, etc. Do not hurt yourself like that! Insulate yourself from these thoughts of retiring in your hobby!

Once you make these small changes you can enjoy the feeling of not only have a lower weight, but also a healthy body and mind! You will not regret it, just be honest with yourself and have confidence! Anything is possible if you really want! It 's all a matter of willpower!

Juicing for weight loss

JuicingLa diet plays a very important role when it comes to the question to maintain proper weight. Often, being overweight or obese is a consequence of bad eating and other lifestyle habits. Of course, you can expect that any program of weight loss must be as a necessity, placed the emphasis on incorporating the right diet. Such is the case of juicing for weight loss.

For those who are wondering, juicing for weight loss simply means using the juices of fruits and vegetables to bring those who are overweight or obese to a desirable size. Continue reading →

All of tea weight loss

decree you knew that weight loss tea helps detoxify the body, facilitating the elimination of toxins accumulated over time. If you decide to start a diet, you should know that you should consume at least one cup of tea cleansing, can be consumed before or after meals to aid digestion.

The diuretic tea is one of the most recommended by nutritionists also be known in a small measure to its laxative properties. The advantage is that it has a pleasant flavor, even if it is not sweetened. You can prepare a liter of tea like this: 6 tablespoons dried elderberry flowers to the boiling water, leaving everything to be covered for 15 minutes.

Mint tea is known for its ability to reduce appetite. For an infusion only use two teaspoons of dried herb or green. It also helps in digestion. On the other hand, drink peppermint tea too often leads to constipation.

Black tea has similar benefits of green tea and Chinese.
It sets in motion the metabolism and promotes the burning of fat. At the same time, it controls the level of blood sugar in the body. Can be used in place of coffee, the effects are similar.

Simple Tricks to Lose Weight

go on lose these five simple tips and you will lose weight in no time.


Nutritionists, says that the little details, the ones that you hardly notice it, are the ones that cause a radical change in body weight. The latest research shows that people usually do not take into account the calories that the liquid contains, then eat more than you should. Avoid the trap of calories contained in drinks, drinking tea, regular coffee, water, and occasionally skim milk, diet soft drinks.

Use smaller plates, because in this way you will automatically serve small portions of food without even realizing it. A spoonful of pasta or a potato less will save you 31 calories. Continue reading →

Losing fat eating ice cream

gelatoRecenti research shows that ice cream can help you lose fat if it is rich in calcium, but only if it is consumed by the number of calories in the program for a day.

The daily consumption of calcium helps you lose weight more than 26% and 38% more fat than usual.

Other studies have found that ice cream burn fat, helps you lose a few pounds more quickly than if they abstain. Of course, you are allowed to eat ice cream, but with moderation!

Nutrition specialists recommend that before starting any diet consult your doctor, do not skip meals, drink more than two liters of water a day and avoid fats.

Cycling - calories burned on a motorcycle

cycling bicycle is the best way to burn calories, if you are not going to get a bike in the near future, to discover that the solution to your problems may lie in it.

In half an hour you will burn 235 calories on average, but of course depends on the shape of your body. Experts indicate that the ideal duration of cycling is one hour.

You can also use the opportunity and take your bike to school, to work, to the market and also in the park with friends.

All these activities mixed with an appropriate diet can produce wonders for your silhouette.

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