วันจันทร์ที่ 1 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2556

Weight training, Building muscle is important to loss weight

Weight training, Building muscle is important to loss weight

building muscle to loss weight

If you need to lose fat, build muscle!

The weight loss programs that do not include strength training muscle subtract the body.

The loss of muscle reduces caloric requirements, making it more 'difficult fat loss and makes it more difficult to maintain the lean body after losing excess fat. To keep your body lean, build muscle.

Building muscle increases your metabolic rate, the rate at which the body burns calories at rest to meet its needs for basic survival. Muscle is metabolically active, unlike the fat, calories and need for support. Each kilogram of new muscle burns up to 45 calories a day. For example, if 5 pounds of new muscle built, you could increase the basic daily needs of more than 225 kilocalories.

Over time this increase represents a lot of food, you can eat more food while reducing body fat, or maintaining lean body, the more likely you will be satisfied of dietary intake. Beginners of strength training can lose fat and build muscle at the same time, though probably occur more fat loss than muscle gain. Once developed new muscle, you will need to keep exercising for strength.


The weight training is simple and except for the fact that we can not all be Superman or Wonderwoman and maybe we will not become the great bodybuilders, all we are able to train effectively. What we need is a little 'common sense. Unfortunately, only a few actually apply common sense training. The field is awash with myths and misconceptions that lead to poblemi absolutely useless. We try to correct just a few.

Myth # 1: The weight lifting does not increase the overall well-being, or improve your fitness level. The weights only serve to build power
Wrong! A well-designed program will build a benessee and a fitness unbeatable. In some ways, the weights can be the best manufacturers of well-being in the round. Do core exercises, have them in the right way, use a sufficient number of repetitions by straining the entire system, enter the workout for your abs and some form of cardiovascular exercise and you will have no doubts about how important the weights for the welfare

Myth # 2: If you stop exercising your muscles will turn into fat
False. Muscle tissue is muscle tissue. The fat is fat. If you stop exercising you will go out of shape, you probably get fat a bit and you will surely lose a bit of strength. However, the muscles can not turn into fat and they will not. It 's true that we see former athletes begin to gain weight as they get older. The reasons are two: the natural tendency to gain weight with age and the fact that these people may continue to eat as they did when they needed all those calories.

Myth # 3: Lifting weights can help you lose weight
Quite false! In reality, weight training is a great optimizer. Energize correctly and the body grows or slimming, depending on the need. Intensively train the muscles helps to reduce fat and burn calories coporeo. There are periods, made to a high number of repetitions, are great for losing weight: sit ups with overload, lateral flexion of the trunk with dumbbell, barbell twisting of the torso, squats, deadlifts, presses and stiff-legged deadlifts just to name a few. In the presence of a serious problem of body weight, next workout, diet plays a fundamental role. However, nothing beats lifting weights as a form of physical esercizo if you are interested in losing weight.

Myth # 4: Nothing can match the facilities of a gym to get better results. You must have access to the latest equipment if you want to get results.
Nonsense. Usually, the best physicists in the world are the result of training at home. In many commercial gyms people are "lazy" and people who talk a lot. Just a few basic equipment to do a good job at home.

Myth # 5: The best time to exercise is early in the morning when you are fresh.
Wrong, at least for many people. It does not matter when you exercise as long as you do it. You should choose the time when you exercise depending on your needs, whatever the moment. Experience quietly different programs if you have not found the best approach for you. Every moment of the day can be the right one. The important thing is that you train.

1 ความคิดเห็น:

  1. ไม่ระบุชื่อ4 กรกฎาคม 2556 เวลา 08:58

    The most important part of losing weight is diet. Learn about dieting at choppysreviews.com
