Zero diet, to lose weight quickly

The diet Zero is one of the diets of the moment and if you are interested in losing weight and, more importantly, to not resume play after the effort made, the regime could be for you. Like many contemporary diets, is based on those who have been baptized Zero foods or preparations soluble powder rich in protein, vitamins (A, C, E and B complex) and minerals. They are used as substitutes and cover a bit 'all tastes and requirements, because there you can assemble the full menus. But let us see what are these foods and how to make up the diet.
Foods Zero, what they are and how to use them
Foods Zero really cover all tastes and all dishes, from smoothies to soups, omelets from the yogurt and, in theory, have been developed to lose weight without having to do a strict diet and at the same time giving the body all the substances it needs. Contain more than 23 grams of protein per bag (perfect protein supplements even within the ketogenic diet, such as diet tube). This diet is structured in three phases: the first is ketogenic, then there's that transition, and the continuance. According to what experts say about this diet, you can lose an average of 5 pounds, with steps 7 days and almost twice as if each phase lasting 14 days, then 6 weeks of diet.
Zero the diet works if the lifestyle is healthy
Do not just hire the products, of course. These three phases are designed to focus on another key aspect: it is important to correct your lifestyle, so eating healthy respect for the health (do not smoke and do not overdo the alcohol) and physical activity. Many people are convinced that it is sufficient to dispose of the weight to get better, in fact the loss of pounds is the result of a process larger and more important. As always, then repeat that exercise is the basis of any diet. Diet Zero is suitable for those who have no health problems: if you have very high cholesterol, diabetes, metabolic syndrome, or another, do not do it yourself, but consult your doctor or a specialist.
The Diet Zero for the maintenance
The diet developed by the team of experts led by nutritionist and dietitian Loris Del Giudice also thinking of the phase that comes after that of weight loss. In short, after having returned to form what? Many get fat again, especially if they did not follow the right procedure. There is therefore Diet Zero Forever, which is based on two elements: a healthy and varied diet and a lifestyle best. You need to take all the important nutrients, from proteins to carbohydrates, fibers vitamins. It should also drink a lot (1.5 liters of water), avoiding sodas and sweetened. Then follow the rule of five meals a day (which also includes two snacks), which serve to maintain a high metabolism. The heart of the Diet Zero Forever, of reducing the levels of insulin, to capture the feeling of hunger. To do this of course is always good to consume a slightly higher dose of protein, in order to avoid glycemic peaks.
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