วันเสาร์ที่ 29 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2556

Training program for weight loss

Training program for weight loss

Training program for weight loss

When you begin to prepare a training program for weight loss the main thing to do is to build a work plan appropriate, especially in view of the ultimate goal that we want to pursue.

The first step to be able to achieve a particular result, it will reflect and decide on what you want to achieve the objectives.

Obviously, these objectives should be clear, but above all achievable.

In light of this it is extremely important to highlight the work priorities to be applied, but also the time needed to implement them through appropriate means and methods of work.

Building a workout plan has as its aim the attainment of physical-sport which is divided into stages divided into:
  • achievement of the form
  • preservation of the form
  • temporary loss of form

These three phases is obtained by a particular organization of training, based on the distribution of the means allenanti, and the prevalence of the amount or intensity of work. For this purpose, the exercise is divided into periods.

In preparing the plan is appropriate and necessary from the annual macrostructure, being tied to the ultimate objective, then move on to the units consecutively smaller than the meso and micro cycle weekly to finally come to the sizing of individual training sessions.

Schematically, therefore, the annual work plan will consist of:
  • Macrocycle (the entire year of training)
  • Meso (the various months of training)
  • Microcycle (the various weeks of training)
  • Single session

During the periodization, is also of fundamental importance to know that any result we want to reach, it is necessary to structure the work plane, starting from a general conditioning, then move on to a specific conditioning and a recovery phase.

The macrocycle can be composed of different objectives that can be achieved in the medium or long term.

The various mesocycles training, will have different objectives and results to be achieved.

To better understand the concept of periodization, we move on to a practical example.

A person who has never played a sport, wants to lose 10 pounds of fat mass without excessive cosmetic damage.

The ultimate goal will be to lose this excess weight to the subject while increasing lean mass and decreasing fat mass.

After careful evaluation of anthropometric and functional health status, for example, establish that the period of time necessary to achieve this goal, it will be about one year.

We decided, therefore, that our macrocycle will last 10 months (40 weeks). The ultimate goal of this time will be the loss of the desired weight from the subject and muscle strengthening.

To achieve the ultimate goal, we will have to establish objectives, in the short and medium term, in such a way as to allow all'organismi to adapt and therefore to be able to achieve the ultimate goal in the long term.

For example, a short-term goal may be to walk the person on the treadmill for an hour (short-term goal).

Achieved the first objective, we must establish a next goal which may be for example to be able to run to the subject for 30 minutes, subsequently to strengthen his muscles and so on.

So the achievement of objectives in the short term, will be needed to allow the subject to achieve the objectives in the medium term, which all together will be needed to achieve the final objective (long term).

Let's see in detail the annual work plan will be as follows:
  • Macrocycle: Duration 10 months, aim to lose 10 pounds of fat mass
  • 1-2 ° mesocycle: duration 10 weeks, aim to walk one hour
  • 3-4 ° mesocycle: duration 10 weeks to be able to get to run for 30 minutes
  • 5th mesocycle: general muscle strengthening, running 30 minutes
  • 6th mesocycle: muscle strengthening general, be able to get to run for 1 hour
  • 7-8 ° mesocycle: strengthening specific muscle, running one hour

So considering the previous sequence the objectives in the short, medium and long term will be:
  • 1-2 ° mesocycle: 1 short-term goal
  • 3-4 ° mesocycle: 2nd short-term goal
  • 5th mesocycle: 1 medium-term objective
  • 6th mesocycle: 2nd medium-term objective
  • 7-8 ° mesocycle: long-term goal

So with this sequence due to the short-term goals we could reach those in the medium term, and thanks to the latter we could achieve that in the long term.

Subsequently we could create the various mesocycles work, remembering that the distribution of the load, must take place with increases and decreases, in such a way as to allow an adaptation to the subject and therefore an improvement in performance.

Training program for weight loss-2

Recalling that each person is unique and that training must be personal and therefore tailored to the characteristics of each individual, we analyze in detail as an example only can be represented as the various working mesocycles the previous example.

1st - 2nd mesocycle

Objective to be achieved: to walk one hour
Aim of this work: cardiovascular endurance
Means used: treadmill
Method used: walk
Work intensity: 60/70% Max HR
Duration: 10 weeks (3 sessions per week)
End of session: in the first 5 weeks 10 minutes of stretching
in the past 5 weeks 10 minutes of stretching, strengthening exercises for the abdomen and back extensors

120 minutes20 minutes20 minutes
225 minutes25 minutes20 minutes
330 minutes30 minutes25 minutes
435 minutes35 minutes30 minutes
540 minutes40 minutes35 minutes
645 minutes45 minutes40 minutes
750 minutes50 minutes45 minutes
855 minutes55 minutes50 minutes
960 minutes60 minutes55 minutes
1060 minutes60 minutes60 minutes

3 ° - 4 ° mesocycle

Objective to be achieved: to run for 30 minutes
Aim of this work: cardiovascular endurance
Means used: treadmill
Method used: walking and running
Work intensity: walk (walk) 60-70% Max HR, race (run) try not to exceed 85% of Max HR
Duration: 10 weeks (3 sessions per week)
End of session: 15 minutes of stretching, strengthening exercises for the abdomen and back extensors

Run total
10-15 minutes
Walk 5 minutes
Alternating with Run Walk
(1 min / 3 min)
repeat 8 times
Walk 5 minutes
Walk 5 minuti
Run alternato a Walk
(2 min / 5 min)
repeat 5 times
Walk 5 minutes
Walk 5 minuti
Run alternato a Walk
(1 min / 2 min)
repeat 10 times
Walk 5 minutes
Run total
10-15 minutes
Walk 5 minutes
Alternating with run walk
(2 min / 4 min)
repeat 6 times
Walk 5 minutes
Walk 5 minutes
Alternating with run walk
(1 min / 1 min)
repeat 12 times
Walk 5 minutes
Walk 5 minutes
Alternating with run walk
(2 min / 3 min)
repeat 8 times
Walk 5 minutes
Run total
15-20 minutes
Walk 5 minutes
Alternating with Run Walk
(2 min / 3 min)
repeat 8 times
Walk 5 minutes
Walk 5 minutes
Alternating with Run Walk
(3 min / 5 min)
repeat 5 times
Walk 5 minutes
Walk 5 minutes
Alternating with Run Walk
(2 min / 2 min)
repeat 8 times
Walk 5 minutes
Run total
15-20 minutes
Walk 5 minutes
Alternating with run walk
(3 min / 4 min)
repeat 6 times
Walk 5 minutes
Walk 5 minutes
Alternating with run walk
(2 min / 1 min)
repeat 10 times
Walk 5 minutes
Walk 5 minutes
Alternating with run walk
(3 min / 3 min)
repeat 6 times
Walk 5 minutes
Run total
20 minutes
Walk 5 minutes
Alternating with Run Walk
(5 min / 5 min)
repeat 4 times
Walk 5 minutes
Walk 5 minutes
Alternating with Run Walk
(5 min / 3 min)
repeat 4 times
Walk 5 minutes
Walk 5 minutes
Alternating with Run Walk
(7 min / 7 min)
repeat 3 times
Walk 5 minutes
Run totale
20 minuti
Walk 5 minutes
Alternating with run walk
(7 min / 5 min)
repeat 3 times
Walk 5 minutes
Walk 5 minutes
Alternating with run walk
(10 min / 10 min)
repeat 2 times
Walk 5 minutes
Walk 5 minutes
Alternating with run walk
(10 min / 7 min)
repeat 2 times
Walk 5 minutes
Run total
20-30 minutes
Walk 5 minutes
Alternating with Run Walk
(10 min / 5 min)
repeat 2 times
Walk 5 minutes
Walk 5 minuti
Alternating with Run Walk
(15 min / 15 min)
repeat 2 times
Walk 5 minutes
Walk 5 minuti
Alternating with Run Walk
(15 min / 10 min)
repeat 2 times
Walk 5 minutes
Run total
20-30 minutes
Walk 5 minutes
Run 20 min
Walk 20 minutes
Walk 5 minutes
Run 20 min
Walk 10 minutes
Walk 5 minutes
Run 20 min
Walk 15 minutes
Run total
30 minutes
Walk 5 minutes
Alternating with Run Walk
(15 min / 5 min)
repeat 2 times
Walk 5 minutes
Walk 5 minutes
Alternating with Run Walk
(10 min / 5 min)
repeat 3 times
Walk 5 minutes
Walk 5 minutes
Alternating with Run Walk
(15 min / 10 min)
repeat 2 times
Walk 5 minutes
Run total
25-30 minutes
Walk 5 minutes
Alternating with run walk
(15 min / 5 min)
repeat 2 times
Walk 5 minutes
Walk 5 minuti
Run 30 minutes
Walk 5 minutes
Walk 5 minuti
Run 30 minutes
Walk 5 minutes

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