วันอาทิตย์ที่ 30 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2556

Lose weight with exercise bike, exercise program

Lose weight with exercise bike, exercise program

Lose weight with exercise bike
The exercise bike is a real sport, which allows an aerobic workout. The bike has many benefits: it improves blood circulation, helps to lose weight, increases lung capacity and is a good tool to control blood pressure.
The exercise done consistently, coupled with a balanced diet, is a great tool for losing weight.

Training with the bike is useful although they are involved only secondarimanete quadriceps and hamstrings, however, to achieve results requires considerable effort. The importance of personal motivation is essential, many people leaving the industry after a few weeks, because they do not see satisfactory results. As in all things you can not expect an immediate response, you have to be consistent in the choice made. Just follow a few simple rules to succeed.

With the bike you can consume about 300 kcal per hour, much depends on the duration of the exercise intensity and body weight of the person. Most exercise bikes display indicates an approximate indication of calories expended during exercise and the degree of effort. The most sophisticated bike, ergometer, allow for precise load adjustment and a high precision index indicating the power of user training in watts.

To achieve this goal of weight loss is important to note that the training intensity must reach the aerobic threshold and that the weekly frequency of exercises must be at least 3 sessions.

Training program.

  • Heating: 5-10 minutes pedaling slowly.
  • Primary stage: 20 minutes pedaling fast to get into the aerobic zone.
  • Intensive phase: 20 minutes pedaling fast and intense to burn fat.
  • Cool-down: 5-10 minutes pedaling very slowly.

You have to repeat the program 3-4 times per week or every other day: starting with a 20-minute session and then increasing by 5 minutes each week until you reach 40.
E 'need to remain in the aerobic range and not stop, for the first sessions you may make a break in the middle, a few minutes, rest for a while'.
Maintain an upright posture and be careful not to go too much under stress, with a pedal too hard (over 1 hour) may increase too much muscle mass and also burn muscle instead of fat.
E 'recommended a session of stretching at the beginning and end of the year.

The strip aerobics and the "HRmax" how to lose weight.

To find the values ​​of the band aerobics need to calculate the MHR (maximum heart rate). The formula used is that of Cooper, it is important to remember, however, that this is an approximate method: HRmax = 220 - Age
(Eg if you have 23 years old, your MHR = 220-23 = 197).
This is the maximum that one should never arrive. The cardio activity aims to keep your heart rate in a range between 65-75% of HRmax (HRmax for calcolarerli just multiply and HRmax * 0.65 * 0.75) for the best results.

If the heart rate is below 65% will not use the most of your time and to burn the same amount of fat you increase your sessions.
For a workout that allows the consumption of fat you have to work in strip aerobics and remember that the first 20 minutes of training are preparatory. In this phase we draw energy from sugars. Only exceeded this time, the physicist begins to carburetor burn fat and therefore lose weight.

To reach the value at which you have to work better to increase the speed that the effort, taking care not to exceed the limit of 75% of HRmax. If you work beyond 75% of HRmax is a risk: muscle catabolism the use of reserves of fat and protein contained in the muscles and not the subcutaneous (you will burn muscle) and may be associated with a diet too low in calories as well as exaggerated and prolonged physical exertion. The heart is subjected to excessive stress, there is an excessive production of lactic acid, which can cause cramping.

During exercise it is good to keep an eye on your heart rate if you are not particularly sophisticated exercise bikes that allows you to measure your heart rate, you may want to buy a heart rate monitor with chest strap, which are the most accurate. There is also a method of "manual", is to count your pulse on your wrist or along the neck for 10 seconds and then multiply by 6 (in order to complete the minute), if there is some arrhythmias (irregular heartbeats) then you should count them all the span of 60 seconds.

The most important thing during these workouts is not to force. You can work hard, but every sign of suffering is an alarm bell and it is better to stop.


Put some music or watch TV to avoid the monotony of the shares, be careful not to spend too much losing the rhythm.
Exercising in the morning, between 7 and 10, do not eat breakfast. In the morning your metabolism is higher and therefore burns more, the benefit also extends to the rest of the day burning more with sedentary activities. If you can not do work out in the morning after fasting for 4 hours.
Give yourself a goal (eg, lose 6 pounds).

วันเสาร์ที่ 29 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2556

Training program for weight loss

Training program for weight loss

Training program for weight loss

When you begin to prepare a training program for weight loss the main thing to do is to build a work plan appropriate, especially in view of the ultimate goal that we want to pursue.

The first step to be able to achieve a particular result, it will reflect and decide on what you want to achieve the objectives.

Obviously, these objectives should be clear, but above all achievable.

In light of this it is extremely important to highlight the work priorities to be applied, but also the time needed to implement them through appropriate means and methods of work.

Building a workout plan has as its aim the attainment of physical-sport which is divided into stages divided into:
  • achievement of the form
  • preservation of the form
  • temporary loss of form

These three phases is obtained by a particular organization of training, based on the distribution of the means allenanti, and the prevalence of the amount or intensity of work. For this purpose, the exercise is divided into periods.

In preparing the plan is appropriate and necessary from the annual macrostructure, being tied to the ultimate objective, then move on to the units consecutively smaller than the meso and micro cycle weekly to finally come to the sizing of individual training sessions.

Schematically, therefore, the annual work plan will consist of:
  • Macrocycle (the entire year of training)
  • Meso (the various months of training)
  • Microcycle (the various weeks of training)
  • Single session

During the periodization, is also of fundamental importance to know that any result we want to reach, it is necessary to structure the work plane, starting from a general conditioning, then move on to a specific conditioning and a recovery phase.

The macrocycle can be composed of different objectives that can be achieved in the medium or long term.

The various mesocycles training, will have different objectives and results to be achieved.

To better understand the concept of periodization, we move on to a practical example.

A person who has never played a sport, wants to lose 10 pounds of fat mass without excessive cosmetic damage.

The ultimate goal will be to lose this excess weight to the subject while increasing lean mass and decreasing fat mass.

After careful evaluation of anthropometric and functional health status, for example, establish that the period of time necessary to achieve this goal, it will be about one year.

We decided, therefore, that our macrocycle will last 10 months (40 weeks). The ultimate goal of this time will be the loss of the desired weight from the subject and muscle strengthening.

To achieve the ultimate goal, we will have to establish objectives, in the short and medium term, in such a way as to allow all'organismi to adapt and therefore to be able to achieve the ultimate goal in the long term.

For example, a short-term goal may be to walk the person on the treadmill for an hour (short-term goal).

Achieved the first objective, we must establish a next goal which may be for example to be able to run to the subject for 30 minutes, subsequently to strengthen his muscles and so on.

So the achievement of objectives in the short term, will be needed to allow the subject to achieve the objectives in the medium term, which all together will be needed to achieve the final objective (long term).

Let's see in detail the annual work plan will be as follows:
  • Macrocycle: Duration 10 months, aim to lose 10 pounds of fat mass
  • 1-2 ° mesocycle: duration 10 weeks, aim to walk one hour
  • 3-4 ° mesocycle: duration 10 weeks to be able to get to run for 30 minutes
  • 5th mesocycle: general muscle strengthening, running 30 minutes
  • 6th mesocycle: muscle strengthening general, be able to get to run for 1 hour
  • 7-8 ° mesocycle: strengthening specific muscle, running one hour

So considering the previous sequence the objectives in the short, medium and long term will be:
  • 1-2 ° mesocycle: 1 short-term goal
  • 3-4 ° mesocycle: 2nd short-term goal
  • 5th mesocycle: 1 medium-term objective
  • 6th mesocycle: 2nd medium-term objective
  • 7-8 ° mesocycle: long-term goal

So with this sequence due to the short-term goals we could reach those in the medium term, and thanks to the latter we could achieve that in the long term.

Subsequently we could create the various mesocycles work, remembering that the distribution of the load, must take place with increases and decreases, in such a way as to allow an adaptation to the subject and therefore an improvement in performance.

Training program for weight loss-2

Recalling that each person is unique and that training must be personal and therefore tailored to the characteristics of each individual, we analyze in detail as an example only can be represented as the various working mesocycles the previous example.

1st - 2nd mesocycle

Objective to be achieved: to walk one hour
Aim of this work: cardiovascular endurance
Means used: treadmill
Method used: walk
Work intensity: 60/70% Max HR
Duration: 10 weeks (3 sessions per week)
End of session: in the first 5 weeks 10 minutes of stretching
in the past 5 weeks 10 minutes of stretching, strengthening exercises for the abdomen and back extensors

120 minutes20 minutes20 minutes
225 minutes25 minutes20 minutes
330 minutes30 minutes25 minutes
435 minutes35 minutes30 minutes
540 minutes40 minutes35 minutes
645 minutes45 minutes40 minutes
750 minutes50 minutes45 minutes
855 minutes55 minutes50 minutes
960 minutes60 minutes55 minutes
1060 minutes60 minutes60 minutes

3 ° - 4 ° mesocycle

Objective to be achieved: to run for 30 minutes
Aim of this work: cardiovascular endurance
Means used: treadmill
Method used: walking and running
Work intensity: walk (walk) 60-70% Max HR, race (run) try not to exceed 85% of Max HR
Duration: 10 weeks (3 sessions per week)
End of session: 15 minutes of stretching, strengthening exercises for the abdomen and back extensors

Run total
10-15 minutes
Walk 5 minutes
Alternating with Run Walk
(1 min / 3 min)
repeat 8 times
Walk 5 minutes
Walk 5 minuti
Run alternato a Walk
(2 min / 5 min)
repeat 5 times
Walk 5 minutes
Walk 5 minuti
Run alternato a Walk
(1 min / 2 min)
repeat 10 times
Walk 5 minutes
Run total
10-15 minutes
Walk 5 minutes
Alternating with run walk
(2 min / 4 min)
repeat 6 times
Walk 5 minutes
Walk 5 minutes
Alternating with run walk
(1 min / 1 min)
repeat 12 times
Walk 5 minutes
Walk 5 minutes
Alternating with run walk
(2 min / 3 min)
repeat 8 times
Walk 5 minutes
Run total
15-20 minutes
Walk 5 minutes
Alternating with Run Walk
(2 min / 3 min)
repeat 8 times
Walk 5 minutes
Walk 5 minutes
Alternating with Run Walk
(3 min / 5 min)
repeat 5 times
Walk 5 minutes
Walk 5 minutes
Alternating with Run Walk
(2 min / 2 min)
repeat 8 times
Walk 5 minutes
Run total
15-20 minutes
Walk 5 minutes
Alternating with run walk
(3 min / 4 min)
repeat 6 times
Walk 5 minutes
Walk 5 minutes
Alternating with run walk
(2 min / 1 min)
repeat 10 times
Walk 5 minutes
Walk 5 minutes
Alternating with run walk
(3 min / 3 min)
repeat 6 times
Walk 5 minutes
Run total
20 minutes
Walk 5 minutes
Alternating with Run Walk
(5 min / 5 min)
repeat 4 times
Walk 5 minutes
Walk 5 minutes
Alternating with Run Walk
(5 min / 3 min)
repeat 4 times
Walk 5 minutes
Walk 5 minutes
Alternating with Run Walk
(7 min / 7 min)
repeat 3 times
Walk 5 minutes
Run totale
20 minuti
Walk 5 minutes
Alternating with run walk
(7 min / 5 min)
repeat 3 times
Walk 5 minutes
Walk 5 minutes
Alternating with run walk
(10 min / 10 min)
repeat 2 times
Walk 5 minutes
Walk 5 minutes
Alternating with run walk
(10 min / 7 min)
repeat 2 times
Walk 5 minutes
Run total
20-30 minutes
Walk 5 minutes
Alternating with Run Walk
(10 min / 5 min)
repeat 2 times
Walk 5 minutes
Walk 5 minuti
Alternating with Run Walk
(15 min / 15 min)
repeat 2 times
Walk 5 minutes
Walk 5 minuti
Alternating with Run Walk
(15 min / 10 min)
repeat 2 times
Walk 5 minutes
Run total
20-30 minutes
Walk 5 minutes
Run 20 min
Walk 20 minutes
Walk 5 minutes
Run 20 min
Walk 10 minutes
Walk 5 minutes
Run 20 min
Walk 15 minutes
Run total
30 minutes
Walk 5 minutes
Alternating with Run Walk
(15 min / 5 min)
repeat 2 times
Walk 5 minutes
Walk 5 minutes
Alternating with Run Walk
(10 min / 5 min)
repeat 3 times
Walk 5 minutes
Walk 5 minutes
Alternating with Run Walk
(15 min / 10 min)
repeat 2 times
Walk 5 minutes
Run total
25-30 minutes
Walk 5 minutes
Alternating with run walk
(15 min / 5 min)
repeat 2 times
Walk 5 minutes
Walk 5 minuti
Run 30 minutes
Walk 5 minutes
Walk 5 minuti
Run 30 minutes
Walk 5 minutes

วันศุกร์ที่ 28 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2556

Food combining diet - weight loss foods to lose 7 pounds in 7 days

Food combining diet - weight loss foods to lose 7 pounds in 7 days 

food combining for weight loss

A food combining diet is a bit 'of a secret celeb in terms of weight loss diet and keep your weight steady, but it is one that includes some slimming foods that can help you lose 7 kg in 7 days.

Here's how it works

To follow a food combining effectively the diet would ever start mixing starchy carbohydrates with proteins in the same meal. For example, for this weight loss plan pasta and chicken would not work because when combined these foods are not digested properly resulting in the release of low power consumption, excess fat, fluid and swelling.If you approach the food combining diet correctly will leave you feeling healthier and thinner. The food combining diet is known to be one of the most comfortable way to lose weight diet plans that you can try.

The 4 rules for a food combining diet that will help you to lose 7 pounds in 7 days 

# 1 Biscuits, sweets, ready meals, etc., are processed foods, and should be avoided. They lead to insufficient combination of ingredients. Always adhere to fresh natural foods.# 2 Eat fruit on an empty stomach and its so breakfast would be a great time to eat fruit. Starchy vegetables are not ideal for this type of slimming plan as you eat them with anything.# 3 AIM to drink about 2 liters (8 cups) of water or herbal tea throughout the day. This will help increase your results and suppress hunger.# 4 Try to avoid snacks, ideally, you want to wait 4 hours between meals.

Here are some powerful slimming foods to include in your food combining diet

Include some of these fruits breakfast on a plate or in a smoothie, apples, oranges, melons, grapes, grapefruit, apricots, plums, peaches, pears, peaches, mango, berries, cherries, papaya, pomegranate, pineapple, passion fruit, bananas, guavas and kiwi.Slimming diet vegetables (non-starchy) are, eggplant, cauliflower, cabbage, zucchini, lettuce, cucumber, asparagus, cabbage, broccoli, bean sprouts, green beans, tomatoes, celery, peppers, spinach and olives.Good diets will include some form of protein, a food combining diet to try, lean bacon, skinless chicken, lean roast beef, pork or lamb (small portion), salmon, trout or any white fish.I have been through it all and know exactly what it is like trying to find good diets to get thin fast, but if you follow these tips slimming this type of food combining diet will help you lose pounds!

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 27 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2556

Rapid Weight Loss Techniques

Rapid Weight Loss Techniques

rapid weight loss
We all know that obesity and size zero, both are equally harmful in the long run. We may not be aware, but the weight off is not just about our physical appearance, but also affects our bodily functions. Excess weight may be the culprit causing several health risks. Obesity results in increasing the chances of heart disease, blood pressure, etc. Therefore, it is very essential to shed off the excess fats from the body and maintain the correct weight. If you are over weight, then you should definitely go for a weight loss as it is never too late. Here are some rapid weight loss techniques that will be useful to you for fast weight loss.

Techniques for rapid weight loss

The easiest thing to do when planning for weight loss is to keep a check on what you eat or drink and what you do. Here are some quick tips to training weight loss.


There is no substitute for a diet when you think of weight loss. Need to reduce any foods that contain fat such as butter, cheese, fried foods, junk and fast foods, chips, ice cream and other desserts. The daily diet should be full of protein, carbohydrates and fiber. Proteins and carbohydrates help in the supply of energy while fibers are useful for proper digestion. You must include fruits, vegetables, beans, legumes, fish, lean meat, green leafy vegetables, cereals, etc. in your diet regularly. Milk and other dairy products should be consumed in smaller amounts to avoid weight gain.


Rapid weight loss workouts include aerobics, swimming, running, jogging, cycling or brisk walking for 30 minutes every day. You can perform any of these 3-4 times a week as they are considered as the best exercises to burn fat. If you want to lose weight and gain muscle, you need to perform exercises with weights. You should also try to avoid sedentary lifestyle as it helps a lot in weight gain.

Drink water

You must have often heard of drinking water to lose weight. Well, it is as effective as water helps to rapid metabolism and burn fat. You should drink 8-10 glasses of water every day. Do not drink a large amount at one time, it is better to have more small sips throughout the day. In addition, drinking water must not be replaced with coffee, tea, soft drinks, juices and other soft drinks. Drinking water is also considered as one of the techniques of rapid weight loss efficient.

Appetite suppressants

Other techniques of rapid weight loss are appetite suppressants that have. Appetite suppressants are certain foods or supplements that help create the sense of satiety or fullness. When these foods are consumed, of course, your hunger is suppressed which results in less eat and consequently weight loss. Apple, flax seeds, dark chocolate, water, green tea, soups, salads, and herbs such as Hoodia Gordonii are excellent natural appetite suppressants. There are several appetite suppressants pills available on the market. However, you should consume them only on doctor's recommendation.


One of the last instructions rapid weight loss is that you need to be motivated and dedicated. You should set realistic goals and determined to reach them. Give yourself something for every pound you lose. Secondly, it should also be disciplined and do not skip any diet or exercise program unless you reach your goal. Finally, a good rest for 7-8 hours a day, and a life without stress plays an important role in having a healthy body and mind.

These were some rapid weight loss techniques and suggestions. Following regularly and consistently will surely help you in losing weight effectively. Finally, you should also remember that patience and perseverance is the key to success.

วันพุธที่ 26 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2556

Zero diet, to lose weight quickly

Zero diet, to lose weight quickly

quick weight loss

The diet Zero is one of the diets of the moment and if you are interested in losing weight and, more importantly, to not resume play after the effort made, the regime could be for you. Like many contemporary diets, is based on those who have been baptized Zero foods or preparations soluble powder rich in protein, vitamins (A, C, E and B complex) and minerals. They are used as substitutes and cover a bit 'all tastes and requirements, because there you can assemble the full menus. But let us see what are these foods and how to make up the diet.

Foods Zero, what they are and how to use them

Foods Zero really cover all tastes and all dishes, from smoothies to soups, omelets from the yogurt and, in theory, have been developed to lose weight without having to do a strict diet and at the same time giving the body all the substances it needs. Contain more than 23 grams of protein per bag (perfect protein supplements even within the ketogenic diet, such as diet tube). This diet is structured in three phases: the first is ketogenic, then there's that transition, and the continuance. According to what experts say about this diet, you can lose an average of 5 pounds, with steps 7 days and almost twice as if each phase lasting 14 days, then 6 weeks of diet.

Zero the diet works if the lifestyle is healthy

Do not just hire the products, of course. These three phases are designed to focus on another key aspect: it is important to correct your lifestyle, so eating healthy respect for the health (do not smoke and do not overdo the alcohol) and physical activity. Many people are convinced that it is sufficient to dispose of the weight to get better, in fact the loss of pounds is the result of a process larger and more important. As always, then repeat that exercise is the basis of any diet. Diet Zero is suitable for those who have no health problems: if you have very high cholesterol, diabetes, metabolic syndrome, or another, do not do it yourself, but consult your doctor or a specialist.

The Diet Zero for the maintenance

The diet developed by the team of experts led by nutritionist and dietitian Loris Del Giudice also thinking of the phase that comes after that of weight loss. In short, after having returned to form what? Many get fat again, especially if they did not follow the right procedure. There is therefore Diet Zero Forever, which is based on two elements: a healthy and varied diet and a lifestyle best. You need to take all the important nutrients, from proteins to carbohydrates, fibers vitamins. It should also drink a lot (1.5 liters of water), avoiding sodas and sweetened. Then follow the rule of five meals a day (which also includes two snacks), which serve to maintain a high metabolism. The heart of the Diet Zero Forever, of reducing the levels of insulin, to capture the feeling of hunger. To do this of course is always good to consume a slightly higher dose of protein, in order to avoid glycemic peaks.

วันอังคารที่ 25 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2556

The intermittent fasting diet is all the rage in Britain. A good way to lose weight or just another reckless regime?

The intermittent fasting diet is all the rage in Britain. A good way to lose weight or just another reckless regime?

fast weight loss

It is the latest diet of the moment: in Britain call "intermittent fasting" and the degree of pervasiveness that is likely to have in the coming months there is almost bet on it.

Also known as "5:2", this fast diet given by the BBC journalist Michael Mosley, in agreement with my colleague Mimi Spencer, is already a must in England and before even spread into the rest of Europe began to depopulate overseas where 'obesity is growing at a rapid pace.

The mechanism is simple: eat regularly for five days spacing almost 48 hours of fasting. The effects, they argue, are immediate: rapid weight loss in exchange for a sacrifice sustainable. "Our ancestors have lived alternating big binge on fast, depending on how it was going hunting," argues the author.

fast weight loss-2

In the two days of fasting, the calories are divided into two meals, breakfast and dinner, to alleviate the feeling of hunger: they eat, for example, hard-boiled eggs and ham in the morning, unseasoned boiled fish and vegetables in the evening, drinking plenty of water always and herbal teas.

The diet strictly defines the maximum amount of calories to be taken in the days of "sacrifice": 500 for women and 600 for men. Michael Mosley says: "These calories are equivalent to 20-25% of the energy doses acquired in the remaining days," during which you can afford everything, albeit in moderation.

The possibility of not exclude carbohydrates, red meat, fried foods and sweets makes the philosophy of "5:2" more comfortable than other recent proposals such as the Dukan diet and dietary Tisanoreica, however, the scientific community is divided.

"We are facing the last trap," says Enzo Spisni, professor of physiology of nutrition at the University of Bologna Alma Mater. "The diet has effects on weight control in the short term, but can be detrimental to the long term. Unfortunately diets are always seen as a species of cages by those who must follow them and this is a bit 'less close than the others, but is not conducive to proper nutrition education in the patient. "

In the diet proposed by Mosley, proteins are highly recommended, also accompanied by fruits and vegetables. The BBC journalist refers to the paleo-habits, or those in ancestral times when the man alternated hearty meals, more frequently during periods of hunting, long periods of fasting. It must be said, however, that 10 thousand years ago humans often did not exceed forty years, today life expectancy has lengthened, and more that calorie restriction is the reduction of the excesses to promote longevity. Therefore, before the last best-selling nutrition, prudence is necessary.

fast weight loss-3

Fasting is good only for one day. Already on the second produces ketone bodies that strain the liver, red blood cells and brain, "says Pietro Migliaccio, president of the Italian Society of Food Science. Concerns were also raised by the National Health Service, the UK health service that emphasized the risk of an increase in irritability, anxiety, dehydration and bad breath.

Mosley and Spencer advise their eating pattern in diabetics, pregnant women and people suffering from eating disorders. To whom it may follow a diet without problems advise to combine the two days of fasting: it is better not to make them consecutive to avoid an elevated synthesis of ketone bodies.

"Unfortunately assumnere 5-600 kcal for two days triggers the mechanisms of hunger and leads to eating more in the days when it is granted absolute freedom," says Spisni. "Research has now shown that the man is a superorganism in which there is a microbiota that is powered by the day. The enteric nervous system is a brain placed in the digestive tract, able to communicate with the central nervous system and to influence the emotional responses. "Summer at the gates do not justify recourse to an unbalanced diet.

วันจันทร์ที่ 24 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2556

Interval Training program for weight loss - fast, effective and pleasant Weight Loss Training

Interval Training program for weight loss - fast, effective and pleasant Weight Loss Training

weight loss program

Traditional aerobics in the gym four times a week for a minimum period of 45 minutes you would certainly lose weight. But too bored. It may be that they can not afford to go to a gym or gym times are not suitable for you. So here I am not suggesting you one-boring-interesting weight loss training program that is definitely effective way to burn calories, improve cardiovascular capacity and muscle definition. For more, stimulates metabolism much lower than traditional loss programs intensity training with weights.

Then, lets get into the high-intensity interval training weight loss.

The basic concept of intensity interval training is: do it fast, then do so slowly and then repeat the cycle. It is possible to adapt this interval training to every space availability. Yes, there's no need to go to the gym you can do to your garden or nearby park. This is interesting and convenient, right?

An advantage of this training is grueling 20-30 minute sessions are sufficient. Forget traditional 60 minutes aerobic workouts. If you double the benefits of training half the time.

This weight loss workout intensity aerobic interval requires long execution periods (2 to 5 minutes) and shorter rest periods (30 to 60 seconds). The period of work must be at a rate challenging.

Run as fast as you can!

Short periods of rest will make it more difficult to rest but too let your body recover a lot and the effectiveness of training will be less. Yes, we need to just get tired!

You can start this program running from side to side in your backyard and then walk back, running from pole to pole cell phone to the park and then walk again and restart the cycle.

I will give you some samples range you can use. You need to find one that fits you the best. If you can actually maintain a 5-minute pace as fast as possible, which is what you should choose. If you have low cardiac functionality, you should start with 2 minutes of hard work and it always will be more like to develop your aerobic capacity. It is a progressive formation.

Examples of interval: Run Fast 2 min. - On foot, 30 sec.

  • Run fast 2 min. - Walk, 1 min.
  • Run fast 3 min. - Walk 45 sec.
  • 4 min run fast. - Walk, 1 min.
  • Run fast 5 min. - Walk, 1 min.
  • Run fast 5 min 30 sec. - Feet.
This weight loss training program has many advantages:
It burns more calories in shorter sessions

It stimulates the metabolism and continue to burn calories after you are done with your workout.

Radically improves sports performance when training at maximum speed.

It only takes 2 or 3 workouts a week.

Honestly, I can not think of a better weight loss training program. The result is worth every effort and you know what? After training so hard that you will not only sold out, but also relaxed. What else can you ask from a training program for weight loss?

The author has been writing articles online for over 4 years. Not only does this author specialize in health, fitness and relationships you can also check out his latest websites on Set knife cutlery and kitchen knives the best

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 23 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2556

Weight Loss Plan for Women Over 40 - The Meal Frequency Matter?

Weight Loss Plan for Women Over 40 - The Meal Frequency Matter?

weight loss plan for women

For a woman who is over 40 and is looking for an effective weight loss plan for women over, depending on where you look, you'll find advice in conflict when it comes to dieting. Some experts say diet with three meals a snack very small. Others recommend break up those calories in six small meals spread evenly. Who do you think when each method has convincing arguments and evidence? After all, you want to follow the best advice so you can lose weight quickly, but safely.

Although the six small meals a day to eat this way, supporters say rev up your metabolism, a study has shown that it is actually the total number of calories, not the number of meals that counts. However, there are some health benefits from eating more frequent, smaller meals.

The study took two groups of people who are overweight and had a low-calorie diet. One group ate three meals a day, while the other group ate you are. At the end of the study, both groups lost an equal amount of weight. The researchers also examined the specific hormones that turn on and off the feeling of hunger and found no differences between the groups. The only factor that has been found that the altered metabolism of exercise.

But, of course, there are other studies that support eating smaller, more frequent meals for weight loss. If you have trouble with the control of blood sugar, some researchers believe that more frequent meals can keep blood sugar levels more stable. Since obesity is a major risk factor for developing type 2 diabetes, this could be an important consideration.

A common sense approach would be to eat when the hunger level tells you to eat. You can actually take a bit of time to get in tune with the body's hunger signals. Most people eat when they want, not just when they need to. So start paying attention to what your body is telling you. It really does not matter how many times can you eat, what matters is what you eat. Looking closely at the calories is a must for successful weight loss and should be part of a plan for weight loss for women over 40. The pounds do not come off if you spread the same calories into six meals. You have to cut calories to lose excess weight.

By eating well and exercising, you'll be able to drop stubborn fat and get into that coveted dress!

Most people who want to lose weight to try to get thin quick tips, want to learn how to lose weight effectively, and I know how to lose fat quickly. If this sounds like you, click here to visit my blog "Losing Weight Tips really fast" to lose weight fast and easy

วันเสาร์ที่ 22 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2556

Free weight loss, teenager, plans

Free weight loss, teenager, plans

free weight loss plan
With obesity is becoming a major problem among young Americans, people are starting to look for ways to lose weight. Although some turn to pills, diets and even surgery, the easiest, least expensive and most effective way to lose weight through proper diet and exercise. This does not mean you have to stop eating the food that you love or that you need to become an athlete. To start losing weight, you simply need to change your eating habits and become more active in order to increase your metabolism and burn calories.

Diet and Nutrition

A common misconception about the diet is that you need to cut meals or eat as little as possible. That is actually counterproductive. The key to a good weight loss plan is to accelerate the metabolism. An increase in metabolism helps to break down the food you eat, rather than storing the excess calories as fat. The best way to stimulate your metabolism is to eat smaller meals more often. You should try to eat six to eight small meals a day. As a result, you will be eating every two or three hours. This will keep your metabolism steady work throughout the day, as well as prevent you from getting hungry and overeating.

Along with eating smaller meals more often, it is important to adjust the type of food that you eat. Check the labels on all six food intake and try to avoid saturated fats, trans fats, sugars and simple carbohydrates. Adolescents, in particular, have a tendency to eat junk food that is high in calories, fat and sugar. Teenagers trying to lose weight should replace the junk food like chips, fries and soda with everything, unprocessed foods such as raw vegetables and fresh fruit. Just switch from soda to water will help you achieve your weight loss goals more quickly.

Another good way to reduce the junk food is for parents to pack a healthy meal for the kids to take with them to school, rather than rely on the school lunch menu. Adolescents often feel pressured into eating unhealthy food and can make bad decisions. By eliminating that option, it will be much easier to maintain a proper diet. An example of a small healthy meal is half of a turkey sandwich, or a cup of yogurt with a piece of fruit. Examples of healthy foods include fruits, vegetables, lean meats, fish, nonfat dairy products, nuts without salt, egg whites and whole grains.

Even if your overall diet should include foods that are healthy for you, you do not need to cut the foods you love. Once a week, satisfy cravings and eat a small meal of your choice. No matter how much calories, fat or sugar which, if you limit yourself to one small "anything goes" meal a week, does not adversely affect your diet and you'll have something to look forward to after all your hard work.


The best way to jump-start weight loss is to stimulate your metabolism through exercise. The fundamental key to any exercise program to lose weight is cardiovascular exercise. This is constituted by any form of exercise that increases the respiration and elevates the heart rate. The easiest and most common way to get cardiovascular exercise is aerobic workout with. Aerobic training involves exercising at a pace static for an extended period of time. This effectively puts your heart rate and keeps it at a fixed rate for the duration of your workout. Running, cycling and swimming are all good aerobic exercises. In doing aerobic workout, aim for 15 to 45 minutes of constant exercise. For best results, the work of three or four times a week.

Why aerobic training is sometimes considered dull and boring, it can be hard to stay motivated and keep your workout routine. As a result, it is important to find a form of exercise that I enjoy that incorporates cardiovascular exercise. Playing sports such as hockey, football, basketball and are all good ways to stay active and burn calories. Most schools have intramural sports teams that students can participate, if it is too difficult to make the varsity teams. This will help keep you active, and add a structured exercise routine to your weight loss plan. In addition, participating in gym class is another way to add exercise to your daily routine. If the options are limited at your school, find a gym class at the local gym that you like and try to participate in a consistent manner. Although aerobic exercise is often linked to weight loss programs, you do not need to do aerobic exercise. However, it is important to stay active and get your heart rate at least four times a week.

วันศุกร์ที่ 21 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2556

Best weight loss program for men over 40

Best weight loss program for men over 40

weight loss program for men

The best weight loss program for men over 40 is a weight loss of effective management system.

Below is information on the best weight loss program for men over 40 is beneficial and has been proven right, but is also useful for all ages. Weight loss tips:

1. Strict diet and special programs.

2. Regular exercise / fitness program

best way to lose weight

Diet Solution Program so effective is that it is designed for consistent weight loss. More importantly, it will be more likely to maintain long-term learning and understanding about the types of foods that work best for your health throughout your metabolism as well. While crash diets may work in the short term, is something that often can not support long-term and in fact may have negative impact on your health. Following this program will not only eat well, but also reap the benefits of healthy lifestyle and energetic.

Rather than a strict diet, this weight loss program is a system of low-GI diet designed to accelerate the metabolism and stimulate long-term loss of control and fat weight. Accelerate the metabolism just need to focus on what you eat and this program focuses not only on the type of food to eat, but also for the time you have to eat, and the combination of foods should eat in order to maximize your metabolic rate .

Diet Solution Program not only helps you to control your fat levels and body weight, also has a large impact on your health and overall well-being. This is one reason why more effective than many foods out there that focus on shedding weight as much as possible. Focusing on a healthy, natural foods, follow these systems can improve the condition of your skin, boost your energy levels and improve your natural immunity.

Regular exercise can reduce weight. Your physical activity will burn calories, so the weight will be reduced. Calories of absence can go back to eating a healthy and nutritious. Doing physical activity and muscle burns more calories to make the circulatory system and nerves are better than your diet. This is an important part of the program of weight management. Regular exercise also keeps you young and can fight aging, lower cholesterol and reduce osteoporosis.

Program of sports and fitness can increase your heart rate is a significant amount, but that still allows you to breathe without struggling for at least 20 minutes will encourage fat. This is called aerobic exercise. The word aerobic means "with air", which means that your muscles are burning sugars and fats in the presence of oxygen. To be able to burn calories with the presence of oxygen, it is necessary to take a breath on a regular basis, so that the activities that you must perform steps to more moderate. For many people who are overweight, this can only mean fast walking. For many athletes, this can run faster. No matter where you are along the spectrum during the heartbeat is generated and you can breathe normally.

Following the program information to find the best weight loss program for men over 40 and various other ages can normally lose weight and stay healthy.

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 20 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2556

medical weight loss program

medical weight loss program

medical weight loss program

Physicians weight loss diet programs are programs designed by doctors. There are a number of plans to choose from, depending on your preferences and needs. The promoters of this plan say that it works because of the carefully planned nutritious meals and the use of supplements. The programs are available at local stores as well as online

Very Low Calorie Diet 800

800 The Very Low Calorie Diet (VLCD) is the original diet program offered by the Center for Medical Weight Loss. Based on 700 calories a day, the diet focuses on rapid weight loss  of three or more pounds per week. A combination of low-fat, high cholesterol and low-protein food choices fresh, constitute the three meals a day that are energy-boosting. A specific combination of foods and supplements of dietary protein are included to satisfy hunger and protect lean muscle mass, making this a popular choice for those who struggle with sticking to a plan, but need to lose weight faster.

Thermogenic Low Calorie Diet in 1000

Known as the LCD in 1000, this plan uses carbohydrates as nutrients to control the levels of sugar in the blood which in turn help the body burn fat more evenly. The combination of meal components consist of 45 percent protein, 30 percent carbohydrates and 25 percent fat. The literature program supports the foods carefully selected leave a fuller, more satisfied feeling while enjoying a wider variety of food options.

doctors Fast Meal Replacement Program

This plan replaces two meals a day with nutritious shakes, puddings, soups and crispy bar supplements. Provides limited carbohydrates, a sufficient amount of protein and a very low calorie approach to dieting. This is is a popular choice for those who do not have time to plan and prepare meals, but we need a plan with an aggressive strategy to weight loss. Supplements are available in seven flavors and contain appetite suppressants, fat burners, metabolism boosters and reduce stress.

low-fat high-energy diets

There are three plans available. The difference is is the number of calories allowed: 900, 1. 000 or 1. 500. The plans otherwise the same structure. All three plans include three meals. The diet is structured around 45 percent carbohydrates, 35 percent protein and 24 percent fat. They meet the dietary requirements of the American Heart Association, the American Cancer Society and the Department of Agriculture of the United States. These plans are recommended for people who want to participate in the planning and preparation of meals, with selections of fresh food.

Participation Options

Doctors Weight Loss centers provide support services such as personal advisers work with you to monitor your progress, help you through the difficulties and enable work on your weight loss goals. Analysis of the composition of the body is done regularly to make sure the weight you are losing is fat and not lean muscle mass. Driving lessons of behavior are available to help you eliminate eating habits that are bad. Medical consultations are available at the centers to monitor your weight loss efforts. Management plans can help keep your weight goal weight once you realize. membership
Online is an option if you prefer not to visit a center or if it is not available where you live. You can register and participate in an online medical history and weight loss, the profile to help you choose the right program for you. You have access to a menu weekly diary online and the ability to order the kits containing the necessary supplements. You can enter your weight weekly to monitor and measure your progress. There is also a bulletin board for sharing ideas and tips with other users of the program online.

วันพุธที่ 19 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2556

Best weight loss program

Best weight loss program

Best weight loss program

Losing weight has never been an easy task to do. Many give up and continue to be unhappy with their body shape saying nothing works. Losing weight can be done, but you need a strong determination and dedication to lose weight. But it is equally difficult to find the best program for weight loss.

Here are some tips on finding the best weight loss program for you. It 'hard to lose weight without a plan, if you have the wrong floor you will see every little or no difference.

The best weight loss program is a non - Program of hunger. Starvation diets do not work! Do you need a weight loss plan that will keep you excited and not leaving you weak and slow throughout the day.

Another feature of the best program of weight loss is that it is easy to follow. If the plan is too difficult to follow and stick to you very soon to give up to it. Losing weight is not easy, do not make it even harder for you.

Unlike other programs weight loss diet results with more lenses for a longer period of time, the best programs will focus on weight loss faster but also to keep in good health. Have faster results also keep you motivated and keeping you on the program.

Find the best program it can be almost impossible if you do not know what to look for. There are thousands of offers and weight loss programs out there that claim to be the best way to weight loss. There is a program I've found that I consider to be the best weight loss program out there.

To find out which is the best weight loss program I have come across I will tell you here!

I will also give you a free bonus box of books to get you on your way to your best weight loss program

วันอังคารที่ 18 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2556

Christian weight loss programs how to lose weight and gain

Christian weight loss programs how to lose weight and gain

christian weight loss programs

A strong relationship with God

Our bodies are perfect gifts given to us by God, our Creator. He made each of us guardians of our bodies and custodians of the earth, who has also created so that we would have a safe home to live. When we indulge in unhealthy lifestyles, eating too much and dont exercise our bodies become overweight. The Christians who follow the word of God to understand that the food we eat is not the only thing that sustains us. Matthew 4:4 tells us,

But he answered and said: It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God (KJV) Christian weight loss programs help to remind us that we must shift our focus to be worried with live by bread alonecatering for fleshto be more focused on studying the word of God and allows his wisdom to govern our lives.

Secular weight loss programs  focus on physics. They offer meal plans and exercise programs designed to produce a lean, sexy that is more attractive to others. Christian weight loss programs focus on strengthening your relationship with God in order to replace the compulsive overeating with a reasonable meal plan, exercise and Bible study.
There are many different types of programs Christian weight loss available. Here are some examples:

Support groups weight loss Christian person

These groups often gather at a church and be guided by a pastor or a lay minister. The group members are in various stages of losing weight and maintaining their weight loss. If you join a group so you can expect to get encouragement and support from the members and the leader. You will need an opportunity to share your story and hear the stories of other members as well.

Christian weight loss coaching by phone

You can find a Christian weight loss coach from doing a quick search on the Internet. Really does not matter where your coach because most of the cars weight loss sessions lead them by phone or via Skype on your computer.

Take the time to interview several coaches and choose one approach and style that resonates with you. Your coach is not supposed to be your best friend. They must be someone who can challenge you to go beyond your comfort zone, follow through on the actions that must be taken to achieve your goals and encourage you to keep going when you hit a rough patch on the road.

Auto-programs based on books and videos

If you have the self-discipline to stick with it, there are many Christian weight loss programs that are based on a book or a series of videos. Do your research, read the reviews and talk to people and programs they've tried to get some recommendations from people whose opinion you trust.

Even if you focus on losing weight, getting healthy, adopting new habits that will help us, we should not lose sight of the fact that there are already perfect in God's eyes we are all fearfully and wonderfully made in the likeness of our Creator.

Christian weight loss programs are designed to help you lose weight while you focus on prayer, repentance, forgiveness, gratitude, friendship and strengthen your relationship with God

วันจันทร์ที่ 17 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2556

The weight loss programs for children Gyms

The weight loss programs for children Gyms

Personal Training

A program of weight loss for kids gym "is a personal training program. The gym and have less, strength training and the formation of smaller team, but a child may not know how to use this equipment. This can cause intimidation and discourage them from exercising. offers short-term or long-term training programs for staff, children become familiar with the use of equipment in an efficient and secure.

Aerobic classes

Children, like adults, have the false impression that the exercise can not be fun. For this reason, it is useful in weight loss programs provide entertainment for children that allow them to have fun and get fit. Dance classes are a great way to motivate children, and burn calories and fat at the same time. Another aerobics idea that kids will enjoy is kickboxing. They love to learn kickboxing moves your favorite hero action, and is also a great cardiovascular workout.


A fun program of long-term weight loss for kids is to help the preparation for the Olympic Games, Obstacle Course large or relays. A healthy competition to keep them motivated, especially if a prize or prize ceremony is more complicated. The program can be run for a certain period of time, even if you want the training period of a time sufficient for the children to establish a routine and really fit. You can also enter a competition for the weight loss in this, and have a final weight, with a prize for the team, or individual, with greater weight loss. However, remember to encourage and praise those who do not win for achievements too.

Nutrition courses

Although gyms children focus primarily on the physical aspect of weight loss, it is important that children and parents learn the importance of a healthy diet, as an essential part of your weight loss. The gym can offer nutrition classes for parents and students, in order to understand how to eat healthy meals. Another idea is to offer cooking classes for parents and students, providing children with simple ideas, healthy snack. This will also help parents to teach cooking healthy meals too.

วันเสาร์ที่ 15 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2556

Your children can sabotage the program for weight loss?

Your children can sabotage the program for weight loss?

baby is monster for weight loss program

If you are a mom at home on a diet, probably related to a frequent situation I encounter as a weight loss consultant. Many of my clients with children are able to maintain a healthy diet through most of the cases, except for two. It starts to go astray when the kids come home from school, or when they are preparing school meals. It's no surprise really. Kids love snacks we buy at the supermarket, and parents love them because they are quick and easy to throw into the lunchbox or for kids to pick up from the shelves of the pantry. Bags of chips, tasty bite size crackers, sodas and the like. Not a problem. Except when it comes to weight loss program of the mother. Mom loves them too! These products are high in fat, high-calorie and high in refined sugars. And after appetizers one, two or three, you can ruin an unsolicited 500 calorie.this single act will probably stall your weight loss or even worse!

To stop your kids from sabotaging your weight loss efforts, here are 20 snack ideas for kids that do far less damage to your weight loss program if mom nibbles (just a little ').

1. Chop ½ canned pear fruit or other natural juice and sets in 200mls of low calorie jelly. Make up into individual disposable plastic containers with lids.

2. Cut sticks of crunchy vegetables with dipping sauce - ranch, peanut (satay), sweet chili or tomato.

3. Cut celery sticks 6-8 cm, fill with cottage cheese and top with raisins or chopped walnuts.

 4. Combine a mixture of low fat hard cheese cubes, nuts and dried fruits in plastic wrap or a lunch lot.

5. Roll thin slices of carrot and celery with grated cheese on a slice of cold meat. Secure with toothpicks. Cut the carrot and celery with a vegetable peeler for very thin slices.

6. Cut the oranges into quarters and freeze on trays. Put in plastic bags for a block of fruit ice cream.

7. Meatball surprise. The next time you are making meatloaf, double the quantity and make a batch of meatballs. These are great in lunchboxes cold. Add a slice of pineapple with a toothpick for each meat ball.Add dipping tomato sauce if needed.

8. Mini quiches .... make a batch of crust-less quiche and cook in muffin tray. Each 'muffin' will be a wonderful healthy snack for children.

9. Chilled fruit surprise - slice a combination of strawberries, bananas, kiwi, watermelon, grapes and seasonal fruit. Place in small resealable plastic container. Top with apple juice, it does not overflow. Seal, freeze. When packed in lunchbox, will keep sandwiches cool and prove a refreshing treat on a hot day.

10. Rice cakes spread with mashed avocado, mashed banana and cinnamon, or try mashed avocado, sliced ​​tomato and sprouts.

11. Chopped hard-boiled egg served with low-fat mayo, salt, pepper on a crisp bread.

12. Wrapper Leaf: wrap a cheese finger, celery and carrot in a leaf of lettuce. Wrap in foil and place in lunchbox. Content will be kept moist.

13. Yogurt tub.

14. Baby Bell Cheese and low fat crackers.

15. Creamy dates: Slice dates lengthwise, remove the stone. Fill with Philadelphia cream cheese (low fat).

16. Quick sausage rolls: wrap a leather (good quality) sausage in several sheets of filo pastry. Kitchen brush with beaten egg to glaze. Cut into desired lengths. Bake in a moderately hot oven for 15-20 minutes. Rolls can be frozen.

17. Same as above, but use strips of chicken breast and cut into 2 "- use tomato or favorite dipping sauce .

18 After the attack on the school snack hot: Spread a round of pita bread with tomato and herbs Top with tomato, ham, mortadella, add ... onion, sliced ​​mushrooms or pineapple Sprinkle grated low-fat cheese on pita bread Grill hard to make a tasty pizza pita bread If not available, substitute a crisp bread ...

19 Fruity kebabs:. place bite-sized pieces seasonal fruit skewers kebab.

20. Pop top sandwich tuna tin, crisp bread, sachet of mayonnaise. children can put their snack together at school so they do not go soggy. Remember fresh is best for both you and your children.

Substituting these ideas for some of the pre-packaged snacks and cookies your kids will eat them and yourself a favor.